Hare Krishna all,


All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Considering me as fallen soul please explain,Why we consider Chaitanya maha prabhu as gupt avatar of krishna? Why we should believe only vedas and what about other ancient scriptures of the world ?Why different acharyas have different opinion about lord. Being absolute truth why god changes his statement about himself like buddha rejecting all vedas and insisting on nirvana. Why advaita philosophy is given by shankaracharya who is considered to be incarnation of shiva who is paramavaishnava. I again apologize if iam offensive.

Your Servant


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  • Hare Krishna Mihir Prabhu,


    All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

    Thank you Mihir Prabhu, for answering to my question so patiently and with brief references from scriptures.I learned from your explaination how vaishnava should be patient and concerned towards the person asking question.

    Hari Bol

    Servant of your servants


  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna dear Devotees, please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

    Thank You Aakash Menon Prabhu for such like a nice question. And thank You Mihir Prabhu for so many proofs about Lord Gouranga from the right sources!


    it is called "sincerity" when we can ask questions not worrying about that others will criticize me for that i do not know these simple things...

    But in the reality Devotees after 10 years of practice may find that they are not sure that Krishna is God or Lord Chaitania is Krishna Himself.


    Concerning the question itself: when someone speaks about high philosophies we have to learn their background. Do they have proper Parampara - disciplic succession. or did they just learned these subjects from their home neighbors...

    As we know there are 4 authorized Paramparas. Sri, Shiva, Brahma, from 4 Kumaras.

    Even other religious books should be given by proper parampara if that was not done then there is big chance that the knowledge was changed in some places, who knows???

     Your servant,

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