
  • HK



    Lord Brahma doubted Krishna because:

    Aghasura was a sworn enemy of the gods. Seeing his annihilation at the hands of Krishna, all of them came out of heaven and danced with joy and delight. Hearing the commotion, Brahma Ji too came out his abode. Brahma, the lord of creation, was shocked to see that Aghasura had been liberated. He thought out: "How can a demon be given the same liberation which is reserved only for the highest yogis? Our Vedas and Puranas have no provision for the liberation of sin. Sin can be liberated only by the Supreme Lord Narayana, who is beyond all duality, and therefore doesn't come under the jurisdiction of rituals and scriptures." Brahma Ji then thought of observing Lord Krishna more closely and came to Vrindavana.


    This is was a lila to show that Maya is very powerful if even the demigods can fall into illusion so what to speak of us fallen souls?


    In your service,




    • Hare Krishna Prabhus,

      Can someone clarify this piont. As we know there are millions of universes in the material cosmos and there is a Lord Brahma in each as well. My understanding was that 'our' brahma in this universe is a pure devotee of krishna, and that is why we have the brahma-madhva gaudiya sampradaya. 

      My recollection is that the lila that Nitai Prabhu has given as an example is an account which occurred not in our universe. 

      I am only going from memory so I could be wrong but can anyone verify either way?


      Hare Krishna,



      • Volunteer

        Hare Krishna Keshar Pista Prabhu please accept my sincere obeisance! all glories to Srila Prabhupada!

        Brahma Vimohan Lila happened 5000 years ago in this planet.

        Lord Brahma is a great Devotee. But in the beginning He did mistake, then took birth in the family of Yavanas as Haridas Thakur and chanting the Holy Names fully became a pure Devotee.

        Your servant,

  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna Jagdish Prabhu, please accept my humble obeisances! ALl glories to Srila Prabhupada!

    Demigods are second class Devotees who have some material desire. For example, pure Devotees do not desire any material things and always depend on Krishna. But Demigods first believe to their own strength but when they fail then only they go to Krishna to help them.

    In other cases, Krishna uses such like exalted Demigods and shows us example that even such like Demigods can fall then what to speak of us - ordinary living entities.

     Your servant,

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