Why and How the FIRST man was created in the universe?

Hare Krishna!
Please accept my humble obeisance. All glories to Srila Prabhupada,

1. Why and How the FIRST man was created in the universe?

2. Was the first Living Entity a Human Being or any other creature?

3. Who created it? Vishnu or Brahma?

4. Are not Rishis (Sages) Human being (Though they live in the higher class, but still they are same as Human Being)?

Lord Krsna said, We wanted to enjoy our lives separtely, materially without HIM. And there should not be any force in Love. So he created such Human Being. (I read somewhere, please rectify me if I am wrong).

BUT who is the FIRST CULPRIT who wanted to enjoy separately without KRSNA?

I read many topics on this but still unable to find out  the actual reason.

I am really confused, since I have not sufficient knowledge on this.

I am really eager to know the answer. Please someone highlight on this.

Just your Servant

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  • this information might not be that important for this current discussion but it is interesting to know that lord rama promised that hanuman will be the next Brahma in the next creation.so we can rule out that hanuman wanted to enjoy pleasure without Krishna.... all glories to srila prabhupad.


    • Volunteer

      so we can rule out that hanuman wanted to enjoy pleasure without Krishna..

      What do You mean Prabhu?

  • Volunteer

    It's no problem that you used the word (since you added a reason why you used that particular word), but just be careful of that in the future, because it essentially makes it seem like you might think Krsna is not God (since God can't make mistakes), whereas you seem very intelligent asking questions I never dreamed of asking. 

  • Volunteer

    Krsna NEVER makes mistakes Prabhu, and to be honest there are tons of proper ways to rephrase that particular sentence - but I won't dive into that. 

    We each have a unique relationship with Krsna, and thus we do not belong to this material world. Although it is true that there is no difference between MahaVishnu and Krsna, MahaVishnu resides in the Karana Ocean, which is where millions of universes are created and destroyed, thus residing in MahaVishnu is NOT the goal.

    Our goal is to return to the spiritual kingdom and serve God according to our relationship with him. For example, Apruv Prabhu (on IDT) is quite well known for his knowledge of Lord Rama, and I'm 100% sure he will return to Ayodhya Dhama at the end of his material life (alas! It would be wonderful if devotees did not have to leave, but this is the material world)... So whether one returns to Goloka, Vaikuntha, or Ayodhya is not the question - the main goal is to escape this material world and go to the spiritual world. 

    We do not escape to the spiritual world at the time of total destruction, but as you say you we enter MahaVishnu. To help push us towards realization He creates another universe, he expands to this other universes and he creates Lord Brahma. Lord Brahma creates worlds and we as jiva atmas are placed in the material world for spiritual progress. 

    If the goal of life was to simply enter MahaVishnu, then we come upon the material perspective of life: Enjoy to the max! ... this is not the case as our scriptures and acaryas have already told us that we do not belong here. We exist beyond the rainbow, in the spiritual kingdom of God. 

    Krsna remains happy when we are WITH HIM, not IN HIM :) If the latter were  the case, there would be no need to create Jiva Atmas, material universes, etc. We are not pure, thus the material world is a reformatory to help us become pure... so we can go to the spiritual kingdom. Our residency is WITH God not, IN God :)

    • Hare Krishna!
      Please accept my humble obeisance. All glories to Srila Prabhupada,

      Prabhuji, You have brilliantly explained and gave a very clear idea on this. But still I am misssing something which keeps me away from understanding this properly.

      As you said,
      " ...To help push us towards realization He creates another universe, he expands to this other universes and he creates Lord Brahma. Lord Brahma creates worlds and we as jiva atmas are placed in the material world for spiritual progress. "


      "Krsna remains happy when we are WITH HIM, not IN HIM"


      "We are not pure, thus the material world is a reformatory to help us become pure... so we can go to the spiritual kingdom."

      I got it very well and cleared my concepts on its part. but below is my query,

      Each soul is a part & parcel of Krsna and these souls are so contaminated/ impure that Krsna, as a merciful LORD, gives a chance by creating the universe (and Lord Brahma and et al) so that these souls are spiritually porgressed and become Pure.My question is,

      Having known that the souls are Everlasting and Everexisting , How these souls (a part & parcel of Krsna HIMSELF) FIRST did become IMPURE?

      The Universe gets created for the impure souls. What heppened before that? First it was Pure (becoz it is a part & parcel of Krsna), then it became Impure? How did this happen? How did the Pure Souls become Impure, the reason for which the cyclic process of creation/annihilation of universe is happend ?

      Just Servant

      • Volunteer

        Just to add to Anusha Mataji's beautiful reply:

        Our selfish desires make our thought impure. Since we are part and parcel of Krsna, how can we even be impure? (think about it terms of parents: Father with dominant gene AA + Mother with dominant gene AA will produce baby with Dominant gene AA...) ... 

        so what makes us fall down: the tendency to desire self-enjoyment. Krsna is so merciful that he doesn't destroy us the moment we think we want to enjoy ourselves (a cruel god would immediately shoot thunderbolts and destroy us for eternity, Krsna is the complete opposite). He says "OK, so and so Prabhu wants to enjoy himself. No problem." He allows us to enjoy ourselves, but he doesn't forget us. It's like a playground. We can play all we want, but throughout the day, we are always under the watchful eye of Krsna and his devotees. But at the end of the day, he will remind us that it's time to go home. The questions then becomes whether we accept or we fight for the extra 5 minutes.  

  • Volunteer

    1. Why and How the FIRST man was created in the universe?

    He was the son of Lord Brahma Manu. Why? To populate the whole world with living entities. 

    2. Was the first Living Entity a Human Being or any other creature? 

    In every universe first living creature is Lord Brahma. So he is a Demigod.

    In some universes he has 10 heads, or 10 thousand heads, but in our present universe he has 4.

    3. Who created it? Vishnu or Brahma?

    Manu - first man was created by Lord Brahma. But first living entity - Lord Brahma was created by Lord Vishnu.

    4. Are not Rishis (Sages) Human being (Though they live in the higher class, but still they are same as Human Being)?

    Human beings are those who live in Earthly planets, whose feet touch the Earth. 

    But Rshis are Rshis they are not as we simple human beings. But overpowered human like beings.

    Lord Krsna said, We wanted to enjoy our lives separtely, materially without HIM. And there should not be any force in Love. So he created such Human Being. (I read somewhere, please rectify me if I am wrong).

    It is like small child thinking to touch working fan is a fun cries to touch that so father turns on the fan and let's child to touch it in his presence or else if he forbades the child not to touch at all child might do that when there is no one at home which is more dangerous. 

    So intelligent father turns off the fan and let's to touch and child touching feels pain and cries and understand that it was not a good choice for fun. So from this time on he won't ask for touching a moving fan.

    So is Krishna. We cried, screamed ....to try this world so He allowed us but He also remains with us as Paramatma so we do not do harm to ourselves.

    BUT who is the FIRST CULPRIT who wanted to enjoy separately without KRSNA?

    seems it was me.

    Your servant, 


  • Hare Krishna!

    Thank you very much for your interest in answering my queries and your way of teaching is brilliant and easy to understand.

    I wanted to say,

    We, the Human Beings were stupid because we wanted to stay away from Krsna and wanted enjoy on our own. So Krsna, as a merciful lord, did give us that freedom so that we can live independently.

    You mentioned that Lord Brahma created the Demigods. But, my question is that,

    Who was that very FIRST MAN (was it a Soul?) who wanted leave Krsna and wanted to enjoy independently without HIM?

    And how was he(That First Man) created by Lord Brahma?

    Why Lord Brahma took interest in making this First Man?

    Please forgive me if I am offensive by asking such questions.

    Hari Bol!

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