
  • Volunteer

    Lord Brahama creates the universe comprising of the 14 planetary systems and he puts everything inside a wheel like structure. The hub of the wheel is said to be situated in the Naimishaaranya (south part of Indian peninsula) This is considered to be the most sacredplace in this universe. Hence, we see many sages performing the rituals etc here most of time. Further, The whole of the earth is divided into different areas. Present Indian region is called Dharma bhoom. Scientifically, India is in such a place on the globe that it can get the climate of all the world in a small patch of land. Hence, we see most of the incarnations in different parts of India.

    It also could be for the reason that as Kali yuga progresses, the land divided into smaller and smaller nations and there would be no one to worship the deities of the Lord in all the places... We are seeing this currently. However, by the mercy of SP and Mahaprabhu, Krishna temple is present all over the world today.

    hari bol!!

  • hare krishna to all devotees

    is there no who can ans this?

    • Volunteer

      Please be patient until some one answers. You asked this question yesterday night when most of the devotees would be offline.

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