
  • Mohini Murti is  Visnu appearing in a female form...

  • Along with Lord Visnu in all incarnations Laxmi is also there, and with Lord Balarama and Krsna Their both come ,like Laxmi Narasimha


    Hare Krishna !!! Jai Gurudev !!! Jai Prabhupada!!!


                    In Srimad Bhagavatam Srila Vyasadev explaining about krishnas many inclarnation in first canto chapter 3rd "krishna is the Source of all incarnation" finally in SB 1.3.26 explains  


    O brähmaëas, the incarnations of the Lord are innumerable, like rivulets

    flowing from inexhaustible sources of water.

         Lords incarnation taking place according to the purpose, time, place and circumstance to fullfill the mission of the lord or desire of his devotees. its does not mean that krishna is not taken female form as prabhji explained below krishna is taken mohini incarnation to full fill the desire of lord siva.. its explain in sastra lord anantha is explaining the incarnation and glories of the lord in his 1000 mouths still he unable to count / complete the incarnation.. this dasaavatar we can say its just taken major incarnation ...krishna is the creator of everything including male and female so its not big deal to take female form.. Lord Brahma explining about incarnation of the lord in 2nd canto chapter 5 Cause of all causes to Narada muni finally he also conclude that the lords incarntion is hope its clear ur doubts i explained according to my level understanding.. hk

    Your servant

    Rasika Govinda Das 

































































  • Hare Krishna!  I am not expert, but I do remember two instances in which the Lord appeared as a female.

    Once was after the demigods and demons churned an ocean to create an elixir of eternal life (with the help of the Lord's Turtle incarnation).  At the feast which followed, Lord Vishnu appeared as a Maid serving up the Soma Elixir.  When Rahu (a demon) tried to trick the others who were present there by dressing as a demigod so he could get a sip of the elixir, the Maiden (the Lord) cut off his head with Sudarsana (His fastest weapon).  Rahu managed a little sip before that, and so only his head lives eternally... thus the invisible planet of Rahu.


    The other time was when Lord Shiva was in a lusty mood.  I don't remember the whole story, but in the end Lord Vishnu disguised Himself as a beautiful woman, lightly dressed and playing in the garden with a big ball she would toss to and fro.  It drove Lord Shiva to distraction and taught Lord Shiva that Vishnu was supreme.

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