Hare Krishna all,


All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

 I was reading some articles about other cultures as old as indian culture but no where

it is matching with our philosophy. When entire world was following vedic culture how

come countries other than india lost its vedic culture and how other religions and cultures

came in existance.If complete world follows sanatana dharma there will be no chaos in the

world. I want to know the how vedic knowledge was lost by many countries.I was looking

photos of the so called worlds oldest temple 'Glebe temple' and couldnt compare them with

our ancient temples. who were these europeans, arabs,asians 5000 years ago. Why do they

have different source of scriptures.It would be helpful if some information is given on this.


Your servant



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  • Hare Krsna Prabhu jee.

    Just clarify me - I never saw mention of Krishna's name in any Veda. I have came across verses where Vishnu jee is mentioned. Can someone guide here?

    Hari Bol!

    Your servant,


    • Sevak

      Prabhu Ji, Krishna is Vishnu. Vishnu is Krishna. So we don't differentiate between them. Yes the Vedas use Krishna's name of Vishnu but it's still referring to Krishna.

      Your Servant.

      Hari Bol! 

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