Who is the Demon in Kali-Yuga? [The Enemy of Sri Kalki?]

Please Accept My Humble Obeisances.

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada, Sri Gurudev & Gauranga.

Hare Krishna

Lord Krishna has said in Bhagavad Gita Chapter 4 Verse 8:

paritranaya sadhunam 
vinasaya ca duskrtam 
sambhavami yuge yuge

"In order to deliver the pious and to annihilate the miscreants, as well as to reestablish the principles of religion, I advent Myself millennium after millennium."

In His Ramachandra avatar, He killed Ravana and re-established dharma and became an example of the Perfect Person.

In His Maha-Krishna avatar, He came to kill Kamsa. 

At the end of this Kali Yuga, who is Lord Kalki coming to kill?

Please forgive me if I have committed an offense in asking this question. 

Gauranga Hari Bol!

Your Servant,

Bhakta David

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  • Hare Krishna devotees,

    Isn't it said that anyone whom the lord personally kills automatically gets liberated? That is the mercy of Lord.These souls are said to get the opportunity of serving the lord in Santa rasa like in plants and animals on Vaikuntha/Goloka.

    It is said even Putna was delivered because she was killed by lord.Putana, infact got an added blessing by lord.Since the lord had suckled her as he would do to a mother, she was given special status of serving lord in Vatsalya rasa.

    • Volunteer

      no, no and no dear Nama Priya Mataji, Lord will kill all of those living entities non communist, communist, men, women, children, animals ....EVERYONE. 

      Oh, my God :-O Bhavishya Purana says such like unintelligent things??? then i am fortunate that i did not read that purana. how pitiful! how much it was changed by some sense gratify-res. ;-(

      women will be saved!!! ha-ha don't You think that it is something which is written by foolish people?!

      Lord will kill them and they will go to sleep. and again will take birth in Kaliyuga not even in Satya Yuga. their karma won't be washed away. in this way no need to stay until the end of kali yuga. dangerous. and impossible life...:-(

      please forgive Your servant but truth is bitter in taste!

  • Volunteer
    No, Sharanagat Prabhu, sorry for answering but their sins won't be washed away. they will only go to sleep. and they won't take birth in Sattya Yuga. but again in Kali Yuga.
    In Sattya Yuga will take birth only who cultivated proper consciousness to that age.
    we can change our karma only here in the Earth planet in the human body. even if they go to other universes they will get life which they deserve according to their sins and pious acts if they have.
    Your servant,
  • Volunteer
    No, Sharanagat Prabhu, sorry for answering but their sins won't be washed away. they will only go to sleep. and they won't take birth in Sattya Yuga. but again in Kali Yuga.
    In Sattya Yuga will take birth only who cultivated proper consciousness to that age.
    we can change our karma only here in the Earth planet in the human body. even if they go to other universes they will get life which they deserve according to their sins and pious acts if they have.
    Your servant,
  • Volunteer

    Getting killed by Kalki is not something a devotee aspires for. More over, you will not be sent to Spritual world after that. All the souls will return to Mahavishnu until we are sent back to different universe. The Kaliyuga is going to be a horrible place to be in as it progresses. SB gives detail description on it and its really scary. That is why Srila Prabhupaada insisted on us to try to go back to Godhead this life itself.

    • Hare Krsna Prabhu jee!

      Is it not good that these souls will return back to MahaVishnu for a transitive period (without awareness as Shunyavadi) and then be sent to other universe?

      Hari Bol!

    • Volunteer

      Getting killed by Kalki is not something a devotee aspires for.

      :-D :-D :-D

       in this way Siddhartha Prabhu, do not be envious of them. (or me also :-(, Oh Krishna! who knows) 

  • dear prabhu,

             in kaliyuga only few devotees will remain krishna with them will kill (offer long rest) all rest of the people(demonic class).

    • Please Accept My Humble Obeisances.

      All Glories to Srila Prabhupada, Sri Gurudev & Gauranga.

      Hare Krishna,David Prabhuji


      Kalki is the incarnation. The last incarnation of Krishna is Kalki. Kalki will come on this planet about 427,000's of years after. That is Shastra.  that they can speak of future which will happen hundreds and millions of years after. That is mentioned, "This Kalki avatara incarnation will come. He will appear in a place whose name is Sambhalapur." That is still in India. "And his father's name will be Vishnu-joshi, and He will be dressed like a prince and cut all the heads of the demons.." His father's name and his place of birth is mentioned in the Shastra..


      The Kalki avatära will come, and He'll take a sword on the horseback, just like a king, He'll simply go on killing all these non-believers, Godless creatures. There will be no more preaching. As in other incarnations there is preaching, in Kalki avatära the population of the whole world will be so much reduced to animalism that there will be no more power to understand what is God, or what is spiritualism. And it is already there, the Kali-yuga. It will increase. People will have no power to understand this philosophy, God consciousness. So at that time there is no other alternative than to kill them all, and usher in another Satya-yuga. That is the way of (indistinct)


      Lord Krishna gave instructions in the form of Bhagavad-gita, but Lord Kalki will not give any instructions. At the end of Kali-yuga people will be so degraded that they will not be able to understand any instructions; therefore the only recourse will be to kill them. At that time the only weapon will be to kill them. One who is killed by the Lord attains salvation. This is one of the Lord’s all-merciful qualities; whether He protects or kills, the result is the same.  


      Therefore at the end of this period, the incarnation of Kalki will take place, as foretold in the Çrémad-Bhägavatam.


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