Hare Krishna All,


All glories to Srila Prabhu Pada!

 I am writing this submissively and not to offend vaishnavas.I know except mother's love every other love in this world is conditional. What about krishnas love for us who has created us ? Does his love conditional or unconditional ?. If conditional then why is that so? and If unconditional then why we go through torturing process of birth and death. Why so many distractions and obstructions in achieving his eternal love? and why all the processes,mantras,regulations etc.,. When we are hurt or when we cry our mother picks up us immediately. Why our eternal father takes so much tests to accept us. I dont want to chant as iam obliged to do,or to go to golok vrindavan. I want to chant whole heartedly like a child crying for mother. I guess most of the people chant as this is prescribed in scriptures and try to finish 16 rounds as soon as possible. There are no books or scriptures that teach child how to develop love for  mother and vice versa. Why there is no natural love between krishna and us? Why we need so much help to develop krishna consiousness or love for lord. Please forgive me if Iam offensive in this discussion, these things bother me a lot.


Your Servant


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  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna Aakash Pr,


    Once again as always this is a very wonderful question. And there is no direct answer for this question. Krishna says in BG that all living entities are equal to him, no one is great nor some one is inferior. However, he latter says that his devotees are very dear to him. Krishna is the loving father of all living entities. His love for use is unique and our love for him is also very unique. This may be little difficult to understand at our present stage but this is what I have heard from senior devotees.

    As a loving father, Krishna does not want to put every one into the troubles and make us suffer. Its we who have rebelled and fell down from the spiritual world with an intention of enjoying our self separate from Krishna which is not possible in spiritual world. So he has mercifully created this material world where in we can be put into different kind of bodies to enjoy the so called material pleasures and gradually elevate on the path of bhakthi and go back to him. He is more eagerly waiting for us than we are to go back.

    At the present situation, we are not pure enough to go back to spiritual world and if we go now without getting purified, we will try to think again why Krishna is the enjoyer and why not me??? and will have to come back to material world. BUT the problem is that Krishna has promised in BG that once we reach the abode of Krishna we dont have to come back to this material world. So we need to be 100% pure before we go back. And to get 100% pure we need to under go austerities and sufferings and realize that it is not possible to enjoy in the material world away from Krishna.

    Lastly, let me touch about the chanting. Chanting 16 rounds is good. But how we do that 16 rounds is important. If we consider it to be a burden, a duty, a responsibility, etc... then there is not much of benefit we can get out of it. The chanting of HK mahamantra should be like a child's cry as you rightly said. It should be like a prayer. We can meditate while chanting and begging Krishna to accept us. We can beg his mercy and ask him to allow us to be engaged in his service. Beg forgiveness for turning our back to him and running away from him all these days, etc.

    We did a calculation last week end in the Japa workshop that we chant approximately 25 million holy names on an average in this life time (Assuming current age to be 30 and we are chanting 16 rounds and we live for another 40 years). If at the end of our life, we realize that what we chanted was not a prayer but was just a mechanical process, then we will have to take birth in this material world again. We are any ways investing our 2 hours every day for Japa. Then why not do it the right way from now itself?

    Lastly, we can not experience anything unless we practice sincerely the process laid down by aacharyas like Srila Prabhupada. If we comment without even practicing and conclude that its not possible to do something, then we can not achieve any thing in life - material or spiritual. Have a strong will and take up the process seriously.

    Hari bol!!!!

    • Volunteer

      Hare Krishna dear Devotees, please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

       Arjuna asks the similar question to Krishna: if You are equal to everyone then why some living entities do not reach Goloka, and go to different Demigods...

      And Bhagavan Krishna replies that He is equal to everyone because of that He gives everyone what they want. Someone wants to go to Pitrloka, someone to the Sun but only few people will want to come to Him. And He fulfills their desires.


      For example, a simple ant also thinks that he lives for 60-70 years. But in our calculation he lives only few days. But for the ant those few days seem to be 60-70 years. And in that period of life he will take birth, study, get married, have children, get sick and die.

      In this way our life in the view of Demigods is like 1-2 months. Sometimes they-Demigods cry saying: "Oh Lord Gouranga!!! See, see just within 2 months these Devotees achieve love for Godhead and go back to Goloka by doing Harinama Sankirtana but we are here have to live for millions of years."

      In a similar way, when Lord Vishnu just takes His breath inside whole creation enters into His body from His pores. And when He again breathes outside all the creation take place. So! Very little time!

      When we go to Goloka we will think that we had very terrible dream for a second and woke up and never ever want to see that dream again.


      If we cannot cry as like a child for the mercy then we do not have enough experience and knowledge of this material existence.

      Solution is: we have to read Srimad Bhagavatam.

      Somebody learns by hearing, somebody by experiencing, somebody does not learn in both ways.

      When we are able to learn by reading and hearing Srimad Bhagavatam then we won't suffer much.

      Knowledge purifies heart. And when we see things with clean heart we will see the reality. It is simple to understand, as like if eye glasses are dirty it is difficult to see properly what is what but when we remove the dust we will see the things in reality.

      Your servant, 

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