
  • Volunteer

    Hare krsna

    Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada

    thank u to all devotees for giving such imp light on this

    As bhaktin maral mata ji mentioned------

    all the things should be done with sincere heart... and accepting the whole the things with pure heart... & ask  for a forgiveness.. and pray ..!

    Being overcome with the material modes, if one commits the offense of blasphemy against a devotee, one should sincerely feel repentant and cry at the feet of that devotee for mercy and forgiveness.  The devotee, who is by nature, very merciful, will forgive the offender...!

    if i m wrong then plss correct me...

    your servant


  • Volunteer

    deeply deeply deeply regret what we have done and pray to the Holy Names.

    Then sincerely accepting our own mistake we have to beg forgiveness from that Devotee.

    If needed offer him Prasadam, gifts, and sweet, sincere words so that Krishna would be pleased.

    But all these things should be done with sincere heart.

    Devotees understand what is honest and what is not honest.

    Your servant, 

  • Volunteer

    Blaspheme is very very dangerous. its more dangerous if done for a devotee. Try and avoid it in first place rather than repenting latter. And the best solution as Rakesh Roshan pr mentioned is to beg for forgiveness. The problem is our fault finding propensity. Though I may have innumerable defects in me, if I see some other devotee doing something wrong we try to correct them. Some times, the other devotee is not even wrong but is doing the service in different way than the way we know or would have done and we start judging that person. Let us first understand and put deeply in our mind that correcting other devotees is none of our business. Of course, if one is completely against the philosophy of KC then we may need to bring to the notice of the authority who is in-charge so that they do the needful rather than correcting at that point.

  • Volunteer

    Hare Krsna ,

    The only solution is to fall at the feet of that devotee and ask forgiveness.


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