What is the reason of paying obeisances keeping Deities on our left side? Any references from the Scriptures and Srila Prabhupad's talks would be much appreciated.

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    In Bhakti Rasamrita Sindhu or Nectar of Devotion all the rules are given Prabhu, please refer to that book!

    We offer obeisances to the Deities keeping our left side to Their side.

    The same thing we do while offering our obeisances to our Guru who has left this world.

    But to the Guru who is on this planet yet and who is in our presences physically we offer obeisances in front. To one who is in this planet yet but physically in far distance to us so we offer with our right side to his photo.

    These i learned in Deity worship classes.

    Your servant, 

    • Hare Krishna !

      Many thanks bhaktin Maral mataji for your informative answer quoting a reference. Also many thanks Sanatan Goswami prabhu. 



  • Hare Krishna !

    thank you all.

    • how can i believe that vedic litreature is true

      • Volunteer

        By experiences in life Prabhu. 

        For example, ayurveda and astrology are the subjects which show the visible results.

        So Vedas are 4. In Atharva Veda we learn about Ayurveda. So how can the same book lie in one place and say truth in another?

        For example, ayurveda says that if we drink cow urine we will get rid of cold easily. So i do and that is true. So the same Vedas say that Krishna is God. So i accept.

        Also in this age to believe to Vedas is very easy. How?

        If we chant the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra we will experience it  ourselves.

        I may say many things about how honey is sweet. But until unless You do not taste it Yourself You may not know the real taste of the honey.

        So Holy Name is Honey so please chant It for some months in the association of Devotees and You will feel results.

        Good luck!

        Your servant, 

  • Hare Krishna ! 

    Interesting.  Any reference for that Dean prabhu?

  • Volunteer

    Our heart.

    We offer our heart which is in our left side.

    • Thank you. Hare Krishna.

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