
  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna Chaitanya Prabhu, please accept my humble obeisances! all glories to Srila Prabhupada!

     When Guru takes responsibility to take the disciple to the Spiritual World it means He also agrees to take all of his sins. Because of that real Gurus who really want to help a person they do accept disciples only studying them, seeing person's determination.

    Because of that if You want to accepted by a serious Guru then You have first have contact with Devotees and attend temple programs. when senior Devotees see You and see Your qualities they can recommend You to Your Guru and things will go on.

    You have to do something, but to have association with serious Devotees. Without association even if may chant 64 rounds and read all the Vedas WE CAN NOT PROGRESS.

    When we associate with Devotees we cultivate good qualities, and to have good qualities is the first and foremost thing in Spiritual Progress.


    Even Vibishan was far away from Devotees, too far. But he used to plant and worship Tulasi Maharani  and chant the Holy Names. But even though he did not go directly to the Lord. First Hanuman gave recommendation because Hanuman saw his devotion while he was in Sri Lanka. 

    Your servant, 

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