Please Accept My Humble Obeisances
All Glories To Srila Prabhupada , Sri Gurudev , & Sri Gauranga.
Hare Krsna
I have been trying to get more people to chant the Maha Mantra with the Panca Tattva Mantra.
Everyone seems to tell me, "Why is the mantra so long? It is too difficult. Is there anything easier?"
So I thought to myself there is...but I did not tell them I knew what it was out of fear that I was offending the Holy Name.
I know that "Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya" and "Om Namo Narayanaya" and "Om Govindaya Namah" are also mantra's glorifying the Supreme Lord.
Are we allowed to promote these mantra's as well? They are glorifying our Lord, and I have heard "Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya" before every lecture on Srimad Bhagavatam and Bhagavad Gita.
Please forgive me for any offenses I have committed in asking this question. I wish to spread Krishna Consciousness to all, even to those who do not think they can be Krishna's devotee.
Gauranga Hari Bol!
Your Servant,
Bhakta David
Hare Krishna David prabhu,
All mantras are basically syllables and are for different purposes. The mantras you mentioned are also glorifying the lords names, but all these mantras have different purposes.
For example the mantra "Om Namo Narayan" can be chanted when you feel a physical danger.
When mind is not under control , you may chant "Om krishnaya namah" or "Om Vishnave namah". Food for soul is "Om namoh Bhagvata Vasudevaya". Elaborate details are available in this world, but I am not the most qualified person to provide explanations on the same. Established vedic astrologers can explain you that mantras can be used to cure mind/body conditions depending on how many syllables there are in the mantra and which houses in the horoscope are reached while progressing through the syllables. For e.g. an astrologer would recommend Mahamrityunjay mantra for someone who is facing death like situations.
However; Mahamantra is a 16 syllable mantra and is said to award moksha.Out of the thousands of mantras available, only maha mantra has the power to award moksha when chanted properly. This moksha awarding factor is what grants it the supremacy over all mantras.Chanting mahamantra properly cures the disease of the soul( janma, mrityu, jara vyadhi which means birth, death, old age and disease).
You may promote any mantra you want if they are glorifying the lord.However; if you really want to help someone please promote mahamantra.Another reason why one should not indiscriminately promote any other mantras, is that not all mantras are meant for everyone. Again quoting astrology, one advises different mantras based on the native's sign and state of mercury, moon etc, but maha mantra can be distributed freely without any consideration of the native's horoscope etc.
Hope this helps.