
  • Volunteer

    Sri Nama Prabhu! as  Shashikant Prabhu nicely replied. 

    Also we worship Sri Sri Goura Nitay who do Sankritan and to Sri Sri Radha Krishna.

    As we know there are 9 methods of devotional services. and the best 3 are:




    In this way Srinaam Prabhu should be there in all other devotional services.

    Your servant, 

  • Hare Krishna, Prabhuji! As far as my little knowledge goes, while worshipping, it is best to worship that form of lord which  you remember always when you think Krishna. For some, it would be little Krishna, for others it would Krishna playing flute, etc...

    Your Servant

  • hare krishna, plz accept my humble homage,

    there are many ways of worshiping the supreme lord. as mentioned in nector on devotion there are nine different ways.

    and also for for each yuga there is specific method to worship the lord, for ex. in satyayuga austerity ws the main. as far this kaliyuga is concern, lord caitanya has recomanded the harinam sankirtan and as per my tiny knowledge this is the best method in this iron age to worship the supreme lord, glorifying the gpd.

                                                                                  hare krishna

                                                                                      your servent

    • Hare Krishna!

      Dandavat's to you Prabhuji. Thank you for your reply!

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