
      i understand ananda = bliss = transcendental happiness = happiness

kindly correct with examples

if we say bliss exist only in vaikuntha then what it is different from happiness ?

we can say when we satisfy krishnas senses (remember krishnas body and senses are same) then we derive bliss or transcendental happiness (it is type of happiness) and when we satisfy any other senses of other than krishnas then it is material happiness , kindly confirm.


similarly chit means having knowledge of krishna (that is also in general) not essentially of what every living entity was in past and will be in future , kindly confirm



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  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna dear Devotees, please accept my humble obeisances! all glories to Srila Prabhupada!

    u commented "bliss is like something", "that type of bliss" shows answer is not perfect logically at least.

    as u gave example that removing head from water gives pleasure similarly when we are removed from material world w'll feel pleasure isn't it right ?

    kindly refer my q'n again consult expert or senior devotee and confirm.

     in the reality to keep head out of water is a natural position of a person. but when policemen puts it into water is unnatural position. And we think that just to be out of water is our happiness but it is natural position that we use to be in.

    But when suffering came and left than that natural position seems like we are happy now. Do You get my point Prabhu?

    In this world all happinesses are like this. To be not hungry and free from all diseases is our natural position but when we get hungry - suffer and when we remove that suffering by eating we again become to our natural position and think that it is happiness. There is no any change: we were in a stable position and when that stable position is disturbed by some suffering then if again that suffering goes away we feel happy. 

    But Spiritual bliss is not like that.

    Spiritual bliss is ever increasing. It is some kind of feeling - condensed feeling.  we can be in spiritual world even in this world. Spiritual world is within our heart. Vrindavan and all residents are already there. within our souls there is Krishna - Shyamasundara and He never is alone. He never leaves Vrindavan. In this way Vrindavan is within our soul also. It is not Paramatma i am talking about it is Krishna Himself. 

     The only way is just to remove this false ego: "i" and "mine" and we will be able to see Vrindavan. And it means we will be always in bliss. To be in Vrindavan is to be always in bliss. 

    Your servant, 

  • thanks. but what i feel if ego is false then it should be true

    false ego> i m enjoyer > self conscious

    true ego > krishna is enjoyer, i m servant > Krishna conscious

    doens't make more sense than complex sentence mention in ur comments.

    also u said " Bliss is not ordinary sense pleasure happiness or mind happiness or psycological  happiness. Bliss is not ordinary sense pleasure happiness or mind happiness or psycological  happiness." indicates it is kind of happiness at least i have tried to explain in earlier comments

    pls help and suggest.

    don't get offended please hari bol


  • dear prabhu,

               i understand there nothing as merge like mind , intellegence and ego.

               we require ego in vaikuntha that is true ego here we have false ego

               i also heard in spiritaul world there is spirutal senses, mind and intellegence , kindly confirm

               e.g. madhumangal eats prasad he becomes happy that means there is  toungue involved .

              yashoda mayi is always in transcendental anxiety bcoz her concern krishna in total i want to say K.C.  not necessarily give pleasure but a permanant consciousness of krishna (love & concern for krishna)

              also as u said in last lines experience bliss but my question was what is bliss and as i had explained same thing u wants to say bliss means happiness when we do K.C. activity , kindly confirm

              i understand consciousness is primary and bliss is not permamently required







  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna Nilesh Prabhu, please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

    Happiness of this world is just becoming free from distress. Simple example:

    at police station policemen puts murderer's head into water for some time. When he starts to get mad without air he pulls out his head for a second.

    In that second murderer takes full air and satisfies himself, then again policemen puts his head in water. Again he suffers, again pulls head from the water, again for few seconds....

    In this way our material happiness is becoming free from distress. But in the reality it is not happiness but usual things.

    But Spiritual happiness we feel when we chant the Holy Names attentively in the association of Devotees.

    That happiness we feel in the place where our heart, within our chest. Some years before i asked this question about spiritual bliss one senior Prabhu and he answered to me the same answer. and i am answering according to him.

    This bliss is like something we ever longed for. When it comes we will be able to discriminate.


    that type of bliss we can feel when we forget about that bliss but chant our rounds attentively just hearing every syllable. HARE KRISHNA HARE KRISHNA every.

    Your servant, 

    • u commented "bliss is like something", "that type of bliss" shows answer is not perfect logically at least.

      as u gave example that removing head from water gives pleasure similarly when we are removed from material world w'll feel pleasure isn't it right ?

      kindly refer my q'n again consult expert or senior devotee and confirm.

      i don't wants to hurt someone but while explaining i wants to be concret sure logically , take this as positice comment.and i need ur help i want our forum should be perfect such that if one visits once he should be convince, hari bol . all glories to u .  

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