
  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna to prabhujis and Bhaktin Maral mataji!!! Thnkx a lott for your kind replies. Actually, the question came in my mind as I went through a book written by a Radhakunda babaji where it is mentioned-'In the spiritual world, the beauty of the gopis are so voluptuous that even Krishna can't control Himself and runs after them'. This tallies not with Krishna's divine personality. If He is complete and full(As Srila Prabhupada has specifically mentioned in Chaitanya Charitamrita  that 'The love of a woman, that potency and pleasure, is absent in man, and therefore a man wants a woman, but this is not the case with Krishna, who is full in Himself.')how can the ontological beauty of gopis attract Him. He is the servant of devotion and devotion can have any source, the dogs, the worms, men,women. Even Srimad Bhagavatm also it is mentioned that Krishna was not attrcated by the beauty of the queens but by their devotion for Him.

  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna dear Devotees, please accept my humble obeisances! all glories to Srila Prabhupada!

    to satisfy and make happy a saintly person is very very very easy. Because they always serve to others without waiting for something in return. They do not wait for anything. Because of that if someone even smiles to them they are very happy.

    In this way Krishna is the Supreme Saintly Person. It says that Lord Gouranga and Nityananda are so merciful that They consider as an obeisances the next situation:

    if pen falls down before Their Deities and if a person picks it up. Deities will consider it as an obeisances and will shower unlimited mercy upon this person.

     In this way what to speak of beauty and love of Gopis Krishna is attracted even to the love from a dog or a dog eater.

    But to satisfy a proud person is very difficult. Their quotas are very high. They wait only for themselves more and more. Because of that we can not satisfy them easily.

    Your servant, 

  • All glories to Guru and Gouranga!
    Hare Krishna

    Dear Prabhu, Krishna is everywhere, Omniscient. He resides as Paramatma in living beings and Krishna (Brahma) in Goloka Vrindavan, personally present. We should never take out direct meanings out of that. Krishna can emanate Himself in millions of forms just for his devotees. Personal Presence in vrindavana means - He lives where there's innocent and true love for Him resides. Caitanya Prabhu was Krishna incarnate; He made Mayapur Vrindavan. That's Ultimate Theory.
    Similarly, Krishna resides personally in the place where His devotees are consatantly remembering Him without a tinge of material wishes. He resides where True love for Him lies. He is personally present there. THAT ATTRACTS KRISHNA.

    Hope you get my point

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