
  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna,

    This is an important question prabhu. I hope other devotees also join in contributing to this research.

    I think there must be many such ksetras maybe more than 18, but that is my opinion.

    Vedadri - Narasimha Aalayam 

    The legend goes to impress that the sacred Vedas took the form of hill to bear upon its head the Yogananda Narasimhaswamy -the presiding deity in this kshetra. And the sage Rishyasringa is said to have installed the icon in Tretayuga. This ancient kshetra lies on the bank of river Krishna and famous as the Pancha Narasimha kshetra. There are independent temples existing at different places. The Principal icon is called Yogananda Lakshmi Narasimhaswamy and reveals with four hand, the upper ones adorned with the disc and conch whereas the lower two holding. the Yogananda. There are two separate mandirs for Rajyalakshmidevi and Godadevi and they are elegantly built. It is in the same campus there is another shrine for lakshmi Narasimhaswamy, the second of the five dedicated to the Lord. The third one, an ant-hill is found on the top of the hill and is called Jwalanarasimhaswamy. The fourth one is said to be in the river Krishna in the salagram form and gives Darshan only when the river recedes backwards. The fifth one is found on the hill called Garudachalam, and it lies at a short distance to this. The deity is called by two names - Vugranarasimhaswamy and Viranarasimhaswamy. All these places are exercising great pull on the Narsimhopaskas in particular and theists in general. Vaikhanasa agama worship is offered in all the Panchanarasimha kshetras.

    The Kalyanotsav falling in the month of Vaisakha Suddha Eakadasi is celebrated on a grand scale. Another annual festival that lures huge crowds is Narasimha Jayanthi. Besides the locals, thousands from far off places too visit on account of its antiquity and the ease accessibility of the Lord. The adorers are lifted, and none goes back in despair after offering soulful prayers. .

    This lies 10 km off Jaggayyapet in Krishna district of Andhra Pradesh and conveyance is available both from Vijayawada and Jaggayyapet.

    Another article on ksetras


    The Hare Krsnas - Lord Nrsimhadev - Brief Description of the Nava-Nrsimha Kshetras
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