What are Krishna's plans??

Hare Krishna to all Prabhujis & matajis!!! pamho.

I am new to KC & also to u all. But please answer my query.

I have read Bhagvat Gita as it is & understood that we are not the actual doers. We are just the medium of Krishna's plans. So is it that whatever we do is his plan ?

If all our actions are approved by him only & we don't do anything on our own then how do we committ sins?

How do i know that whatever i am doing is according to his will & i am not acting on my own?

How do i know that what i am doing is right or wrong?

As i am a neophyte i am unable to understand all this. Please guide me.

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  • Hare Krishna Prabhuji!!! obeisances!!!

    Thanx a lot 4 understanding & answering my query so well. I'll try to implement them to the most by krishna's mercy.

    Really greatful to you.

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    Hare Krishna! Please accept my humble obeisences. All Glories to Srila Prabhupada



    I have read Bhagvat Gita as it is & understood that we are not the actual doers. We are just the medium of Krishna's plans. So is it that whatever we do is his plan ? */


    The above statement that "I have read Bhagvat Gita as it is & understood that we are not the actual doers" is not exactly correct. It is not that we are not the doers rather what Lord Krishna says is "WE ARE NOT THE ONLY DOERS" . That means there are several factors other than the performer which involves in action. what are these. Let see what BG says:

    BG 18.14: The place of action [the body], the performer, the various senses, the many different kinds of endeavor, and ultimately the Supersoul — these are the five factors of action. ~ so from this we clearly sees that in this verse "the performer" refers to individual soul , and to perform an action many other things also get involve along with the individual soul.

    BG 18.15: Whatever right or wrong action a man performs by body, mind or speech is caused by these five factors.

    BG 18.16: Therefore one who thinks himself the only doer, not considering the five factors, is certainly not very intelligent and cannot see things as they are.

    Again the above two verses supports the previous one that "WE ARE THE DOER BUT NOT THE ONLY DOER THERE ARE 4 OTHER FACTORS INCLUDING SUPERSOUL (KRISHNA)"

    so we have some minute independence which Krishna has gave us. But in a condition state of  existence a soul thinks himself as the only doer without considering that there are other factors also to perform an action, the condition soul wants to LORD over material energy by forgetting Krishna.  

    /*If all our actions are approved by him only & we don't do anything on our own then how do we committ sins?*/

    As a merciful father Krishna just fullfills his child's (individual soul ) desires. Now its upto the child what he desires. what an individual soul desire he performs accordingly to work out that desire. So Krishna just fullfills it, but the reaction of that particular action is subjected only to the performer i.e individual soul not to the super soul (Lord Krishna) irrelavent of the fact whether it is good or bad the individual soul has to enjoy or suffer. Because Krishna is observer and wish fullfiller and not subjected to the law of Karma unlike the individual soul.

    /*How do i know that whatever i am doing is according to his will & i am not acting on my own?*/

    when we do action for our personal sense gratification then we are not doing the action according to Krishna's will . But when we convert our selfish desire for sense gratification to selfless desire to serve the transcedental senses of Hrisikesa i.e Lord Krishna then we are working according to his will, and we are no more subjected to any material reaction our life become blissful.

    Now how to perform that action according to Krishna's will??

    Then you need to throughly go through Prabhupada's books , associating with devotees, chanting ,hearing.......many many process of the devotional service. Then our life will be perfect.

    Hari BOL..........All Glories to Guru And Gourango

    • Excellent answer Prabhu jee! Very clear.

      Your servant,


  • hare krishna prabhuji...

    its such a nice question, i wish i knew the answer...

    even i'm waiting for someone to answer the above question..

    hare krishna...!!

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