Namaste and Hare KrishnaI am a devotee of Lord Jagannath. I have been to India many times and have taken darshan at many temples.Many years ago, though I am clearly a "Hindu" (the sign at Lions Gate read 'No Hindus Allowed'), though I am a devotee, though I was dressed properly, yet I was denied entry to have darshan of Lord Jagannath at Puri and treated as unclean, a dalit, a mleeccha.Is this still the practice today to deny a devotee, a "Hindu", an ISKCON member, entry into the Jagannath Temple at Puri simply because they are "white" or a "foreigner Hindu"? For the devotees of Lord Jagannath, this is the most holy tirtha. What do such devotees need to do, to bring sttention to this discrimination? Should they self-immolate in front of the Gate? I have a Life Membership from Vrindavan. I plan to return to Puri in the near future. Will my proof of membership allow me in?What must I show to allow entry?Your well wisher in devotion, Jai Sri Krsna

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  • Hare Krushna Prabhuji,

    Rashmi mataji is absolutely right.

    Unfortunately Mahaprabhu at Puri is not visible to every one due to caste and religion. I dont know whether it is right or wrong, and dont want to comment on anything since I dont know what Mahaprabhu likes. There was a visitor to Puri temple some 1000 years back, and within temple he complained this temple need to be cleaned and the way it is not very hygenic. In the same night he was kicked by lord jagannath in his dream, but next morning he found himslef 1000s of miles away from Puri.

    But the only qualification is being a devotee and which you are. So it feels bad when devotees like you are not given chance to enter the temple. As mentioned in BG time is everything so lets hope Lord Jagannath will change the way i is in the time to come. Personally we have witnessed with time many famous temples changed their rules. The recent example is Pandharpur Temple of Vittala and Rukmini which from this month will allow Women and Lower caste people(apart from Brahmana) to be the priest

    So by Krishna's grace the fact that a "Brahmana is one who dedicates his life at the lotus feet of Krishna" comes true and hope some day it will be realized at Puri temple.

    However just to meet his devotees Mahaprabhu comes out of his temple on ratha yatra.

    Hari Bola.


    • Hare Krushna Prabhuji,

      As pratap prabhuji say let's hope for the best.Actually pandharpur temple had made a right decision.

      I have not went to puri yet but seen live telecast on tv manytimes of rathayatra.

      may lord jagannath bless all!!!!!hari bol

  • E-Counselor

    Hare Krsna Prabhuji,


    Unfortunately, that is the truth. Even Srila Prabhupada had written to the Puri temple authortities vouching for his devotees and seeking blanket permission for them to be able to enter the temple. Apparently he had got something in writing from them as well. Still, it is not allowed. Such is the mindset of people who consider that caste is by birth. These people have been serving the Puri temple for generations, therefore no one can go beyond them.

    Maybe it will take an advanced devotee like you to change them, with your devotion, if the lord shows some miracle.

    I had heard in one of HH Radhanath Maharaj's lectures that it is Srila Prabhupada's mercy that he got the Jagannath form of the lord to each and every temple of his, ensuring all his western devotees get darshan, can do seva and get the mercy of the all merciful Lord Jagannath.

    Maybe this hankering that you have to visit the Puri temple is actually increasing your viraha bhava and helping you progress in devotion. The lord has strange ways of checking our devotion and making us realise the depth or the lack of it, of our feelings for Him. Certainly your desire to visit the lord in His home at Puri and do darshan is pleasing to the lord. Dandvats to you prabhuji for that.


    Your insignificant servant,


    • Namaste Mataji, please accept my humble obeisanes. When you reminded the World, that beloved Srila Prabhupada had written to the Puri temple authortities vouching for his devotees, it literally took my breath away.

      A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupad is the greatest savior for our lost Western seekers, you cannot imagine what a Hero he is to us! CHILDREN, that is what we Western devotees are, he came to us. Can you imagine? Why? Why did Srila Prabhupad come, so kindly come to such children? But he did!

      When Lord Jagannath first "appeared" in San Francisco California USA, it was the Forms, small, brought by a devotee from the (then famous) Cost Plus Store. "What are these, Prabhupad?". Prabhupad fell in obeisances.

      The local Deity of San Francisco has ever since been Lord Jagannath, Baladev, Subhadra. Jagannath is the Lord of San Francisco. They may not let me intu the temple of Puri, but by the grace of Prabhupad, Lord Jagannath has come to us.

      Your ever servant in devotion, Jai Sri Lord Jagannath ki Jai




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