Want to write an eye opening book!

Dandwat Pranam to all Devotees.

# I want to write a book based on misleading modern culture & forgotten Vedic culture.

# The book will show the real face of "motor car culture".

# It will depict the many social & environmental problems caused by modern culture.

# Please, tell top problems caused by modern culture in our life.

Hare Krsna! Jai Prabhupad!

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    1. extreme animal slaughtering (incl. animal cruelty)
    2. destruction of forests and trees
    3. pollution (sound, water, air, basically environmental pollution)
    4. continual position of being in stress
    5. idea that makeup amplifies one's beauty or having a "Barbie" Size 0 figure
    6. socializing becomes difficult for some non-social fellows because of popularity and specific emphasis over specific talents (ie. jocks vs. nerds --> I never really saw this during my HS / college years, but I figure it's always out there) and not everyone is treated equally...

    Now, most of these probably aren't the top, but these are some that are very general and some that are very specific in terms of my own personal thoughts...

    But these are just from the top of my head. I will add more if I can think of more...

    hope this gets you started. 

    • Dandwat Pranam Radhe Prabhu. Thanks for initiating a great discussion for a great upcoming literature. Points raised by you, are reasonable & will add values to the book. Please provide your invaluable presence for the discussion. Jai Prabhupad! Hare Krsna!

      • Volunteer
        Haribol, here are a few more things
        1. The belief that what we see must be real, and what we don't see just be fake.This leads into trust issues
        I associate this more with ghosts and spirits. But this can generally applied as in what science reveals is correct, everything else is fake. For example- the Aryan theory (part of social science) has been long disproven with so much evidence,but the school system and textbooks, and people in general still believe the idea that Vedic culture came from outside India, through the Aryans
        2. Divorce rates are sky rocketing.
        This can narrowed down to the increase in lust and lack of self control in Kali Yuga.
        3. Respect for parents in diminishing
        This is seen in how many cuss words now incorporate "mother" or refer to a mother. For example son of a b-word can be associated as the cuss word being your mother. Parents are being cussed at, parents in nursing home, mothers the punch line of a few sexual jokes or words.... These are what I have noticed in America in particular among a wide variety of ethnicities.
        4. Child Beauty pageants
        Mothers usually enter their children (at a very young age) and put make up and have them walk the lane and look and think all glamorous... It's frightening and ties into the makeup one.
        5. Racism?
        This sort of existed in the Vedic age, as there were referenced of mlecchas etc.
        Clothes are getting quite skimpy for the laddies, while males hang their pants as low as possible revealing their undergarments.Bikinis for ladies, and tight clothing for both (I think the women + tight clothes should be self -explanatory, while men do it for the looks I think. Either way,too tight clothing really screws with ones health.

        Ill add another 6 when I can think of it :)
        • Thanks Radhe Prabhu! Dandwat Pranam.

          Thanks for your contribution of ideas. Expecting a more enriched discussion. Every problem highlighted by you , will be an integral part of book.

          Jai Prabhupad!

          • Volunteer


            the role model in society is another huge one I see

            modern day society sees actors and famous people as role models, regardless of whether they do good or bad... 

            • Hare Krishna hare Krishna to all.

              Am not in the Isckon society, but I have great love for lord Krishna. I think the society of today has almost forgotten Shree Krishna, until they don't feel the peace and happiness which is arised when chanting shree Krishna Maha Mantra, they will continue to run after the material happiness which last only temporarily. Shree Krishna is the only one who will not leave us and stop loving us as long as we are on the earth and even after death. As compared to people to whom we are attached and give almost 90% of our time. I don't think Shree Krishna request anything from his devotees, he just need us to love him and the love we get in return from him is so recomforting and everlasting.


              I think more books on Shree Krishna, should be introduced to kids- the coming generation since very early age. One can only read  10 or 12 pages of the "Bagwate Gita" or the books of Shree Prabhupada, you can already start feeling the link or bondage one have with Shree Krishna.

              Kindly please forgive me if I have wrongly written anything.....Jai Shree Krishna Jai Shree Krishna.



          • Volunteer

            here are a few more:

            1. Government

            In modern day society there is a trend towards democracy and monarchy, anarchy, etc. are not given much thought. In the vedic society, the typical monarchy was more of a democracy in a sense that the King knew himself to be a mere representative of the public. The best example is of course, maryada purushottam Shri Ramacandra. Further, the opinion of the public was very important when deciding an heir. King Dasarath asked his court what they thought about Rama being King, and finalized everything after they agreed. This is in a sense democracy, in a more higher and purer form. 

            2. Technology

            I'm all for technology personally, but it is making people stupider by the minute. Instead of solving complex math problems with our brains, we turn to calculators. technology added the modern day calculation of the earth's age, but the Vedic lits. had no such thing yet they were able to calculate such a large number (and beyond). 

            3. Prostitution

            Prostitution existed in the Vedic age too as told by the story of the prostitute Pingala (?) in the Srimad Bhagavatam. But I think it would be fairly interesting to dive into the research of both and compare and contrast. I would be extremely interested to see how prostitution in the Vedic times has "devolved" with the sinfulness of the age of Kali.

            4. Justice System

            Justice systems of Kings / village courts, etc. vs modern day courts, supreme courts, etc. 

            5. Homosexuality

            6. Drugs and liquor (larger topic: intoxicants)

        • Volunteer

          thank You Prabhuji!

          Please continue!

          Your servant,

          • Thanks Maral Mataji....Please contribute your ideas for this discussion. Dandwat Pranam.

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