
Hare Krishna devotees!

I have got a question and I am seriously looking for an answer that would be very very helpful for me. I have seen violence in small kids(violence as in very stubborn, hurting others unknowingly, etc...) How do u tackle these problems with the small kids( in the range of 2-5)?

Pleas help me in this matter.

Your servant

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  • engage , engage and engage somehow thats what srilla prabhupada said

    1. u r question is not specific to any person so answer is general.

    2. generally child inherits property from parents , please try to observe that parents also have same tendancies many times.

    3. engage child in so many positive activity he/she shouldn't hurt others things. i know one devotee child (7-8 years) is very very active i mean he just impossible to handle and very brave he easily does hiking for 7 hours, Ride horse for 10 hours on kedar nath (that to we forced him else he could have climbed it) , he can jump in to river with joy multiple times even he don't know swimming, no fear guy we were climbing lord NAR mountain some devotees stood at NARAYAN mountain as terrain was very difficult but this child was first who crossed with youths and then he climbed very very high (it was very stiff and only ICE ) and he was not stopping finally one expert (in hiking) devotee went their to bring him down while coming down he was just amazingly fear less this boy was full of daring and internal strenght. after some days we came to know his father is captain (may be more higher post in navy) of ship and he was to do all stunts and risky games before coming to K.C.

    4.  manytimes child don't hurt unknowingly they know only they have less strenght and kids are less intellegent mostly they don't know what they do we have to train them.

    5. if local law supports** beat them little and punish them let them fear you simultaneously tell your wife to solace them and she should say child that father is ultimate authority and she should also pretend that she follows what ever father says.

    6. VVIMP : also give them time to play nicely let child becomes mix with others my friend plays lot with his kid up till kids starts feeling sleepy. child should play games in which physical activity should involve not wathcing TV & indoor games where they don't get much movement. Idea is when anyone play lot, senses become tired and person becomes calm.

    7. they may be stubborn but please see the cause is right. if u feed bitter medicine or dr . injects him then anger is right at that stage. idea is encapsulate ur things which they don't like in sweet candy

    8. famous idea if child doesn't eat food simply make them jealous (use of jealousy & envy in positive manner) call sparrow or any bird loudly in window and feed them then see cild will say don't give to them i will eat, IT WORKS ALMOST ALL TIME.

    9. CHILD mostly repeats and follows what others do , elders should do good activities they will follow.

    e.g. my niece (1-2 year) when my sister went for brining water she jumped and run behind her. (her mom brought water then she also tried to brought water but in small vessel now if mother doesn't provide vessel then she will cry) we can proivde small utensils or objescts simlar to bigger ones in short they also wants to become like us.






    • thank you prabhuji for putting light in this matter. e.g. I have seen a kid getting very jealous when his mom was playing with another kid. Its not that his mom didnt invite him. She made sure that both kids were playing. But somehow, he got so angry that he pulled another's hair and the 2nd kid started crying. the 2nd kid was younger to him. I got awefully scared. I also heard that kids during this age (1-3 years) usually do that type of behaviour and when they grow up, they understand. But my view is that unless kids know what they are doing is a wrong thing, how will they understand it when they grow up?

      I completely agree with ur fact that we should always engage kids in all types of games. How can we prevent the fight between kids? Loving fight is still acceptable. But what if it ends up in hurting others. I also know that once kids gets scared from the fight, the kids usually end up being very coward. Is that true?

      I am really confused. :(

  • Volunteer

    up to age 5 kids never ever should be beaten or else it will put very big stamp on their heart. and stops the balanced way of progress of chakras.

    Your servant, 

    • Hare Krishna Mataji!

      Thank you so much for that light. But what if kids do something that might hurt them or others around you? Even if the kid doesnt listen to you. i have seen so many kids like that around me. I am really scared to watch that.

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