Verse One

çré-çuka uväca

itthaà çarat-svaccha-jalaà


nyaviçad väyunä vätaà

sa-go-gopälako ‘cyutaù

çré-çuka uväca – Çré Çukadeva Gosvämé (or çriya çuka, the

very dear parrot of Çrématé Rädhikä) said; itthaà – in this

way; çarat – autumn season; svaccha – clear; jalaà – water;

padmäkara – lotus flowers are blossoming in the lakes, ponds

and rivers such as the Yamunä, Kusuma-sarovara, Mänasé

Gaìgä, Govinda-kuëòa, etc.; sugandhinä – full of sweet

fragrance; nyaviçat – He entered; väyunä – by the cool and

fragrant breeze; vätaà – carrying; sa – with; go – the cows;

gopälakaù – and the cowherd boys; acyutaù – the infallible

Nanda-nandana Çyämasundara.


Çré Çukadeva Gosvämé (Çrématé Rädhikä’s very dear

parrot) said, “O Mahäräja Parékñit, Çré Våndävana,

now exquisitely decorated by the autumn season, became

even more splendid. The lakes, ponds and rivers were filled

to capacity with clear, sweet water. Gently blowing, aromatic

breezes carried the mild, sweet fragrance of blossoming

lotus flowers from the lakes. In this pleasing atmosphere the

infallible Nanda-nandana Çré Kåñëa entered the immensely

alluring Våndävana forest, accompanied by His cows and the

gopas, His cowherd friends.”

In the previous chapter3 the crown jewel of swan-like

devotees, Çré Çukadeva Gosvämé, gave an enchanting

description of Våndävana’s autumnal splendor. In the present

chapter he describes Kåñëa’s gallivanting in the forest in

autumn. Ordinarily the six seasons – summer, rainy, autumn,

winter, misty and spring – come and go one after another.

In the summertime all the living beings are oppressed by the

fierce rays of the sun, and the grass, trees and plants generally

shrivel up. Ponds, lakes, pools and other reservoirs also begin

to go dry, and the currents of the rivers dramatically slow

down. With the advent of the rainy season all the lakes fill

to the brim and start overflowing, and the flooding rivers

acquire a fearsome aspect. Everywhere the water becomes

muddy; the trees fill up with new green leaves; and the clouds

float throughout the sky, sometimes sprinkling softly and

sometimes raining in torrents.

As soon as autumn arrives, the ponds, lakes and rivers

naturally become clear. All the flowers bloom due to the

nectar-filled autumn moon-rays. The full moon, surrounded

by countless stars, rises in the cloudless sky. And the heart

overflows with waves of new, joyful feelings. This is why

Kåñëa danced in the räsa-maëòala arena and enjoyed so

many other activities with the vraja-ramaëés4 in Våndävana

during autumn.

3 Çrémad-Bhägavatam, Chapter 20.

4 Ramaëés – shy young girls who are expert in the various skills for awakening

sweet amorous emotions, the sight of whose faces gladdens the heart.


Çré Çukadeva Gosvämé also describes the beauty of

Våndävana in the winter and misty seasons in various other

passages. And in the spring all the trees, plants, animals,

birds and human beings are infused with new life, exhibiting

fresh feelings of elation. The trees and plants sprout new

leaves and shoots, and the people blissfully sing Holi and

other songs. At this time it seems that the land of Vraja is

decorated like a bride.

Våndävana-dhäma is a most transcendental, miraculous

and astonishing place where the unique splendor of spring,

the charmingly sweet queen of all seasons, reigns perennially

and where a velvety carpet of luxuriant green grass is

always rolled out. The entire atmosphere is pervaded with

both transcendental bliss and the intoxication of youth.

These combine to create a kingdom of ever-increasing joy

which casts a magical spell on the body and mind.

The auspicious arrival of autumn smashes the pride of

the unyielding clouds of the rainy season. At that time

the whole atmosphere swings with joy – a green luster is

reflected everywhere, and new leaves and flowers appear

on the trees, which are filled with sweetly chirping birds.

The rivers, streams, ponds, reservoirs and waterfalls contain

pure sweet water. Their waves seem to be playing with one

another and running after each other as if desiring to be

kissed. Many colored lotuses blossom in all the ponds and

rivers, and the branches of the trees are also laden with fully

bloomed and delightfully fragrant campä, camelé, belé and

jühé (frangipani and varieties of jasmine). Intoxicated bees

relish the nectar of these flowers, and the ponds, rivers and

hills of the forest resonate with their melodious humming.

Carrying the weight of the sweetly intoxicating fragrance,

the gentle breeze collides into the branches of the trees and

loses its balance.

Çréla Çukadeva Gosvämé was filled with bliss as he

described Çré Kåñëa’s autumn dalliance and said: itthaà çaratsvaccha-

jalaà padmäkara-sugandhinä. “Mahäräja Parékñit,

I have described only a fraction of the unparalleled beauty of

Våndävana, which becomes especially splendid with the onset

of autumn. On seeing the previously described loveliness of

Våndävana at this time, Çré Kåñëa, the performer of unlimited

pastimes, becomes very pleased. To stroll in the forest and see

more of her beauty, He enters Våndävana with His multitudes

of cows and cowherd friends.”

With the advent of autumn the waters of Kusuma-sarovara,

Pävana-sarovara, Mänasa Gaìgä, the Yamunä and the other

forest lakes spontaneously become crystal clear. The current of

the rivers slows down, their mood turns grave, and their waves

also become subdued. The lakes and rivers are elaborately

beautified with the blossoming of countless varieties of

lotuses, lilies and other flowers. The gentle breeze blows with

the wonderful fragrance of these flowers and permeates all

of Våndävana. The infallible Acyuta5 Çré Kåñëa, who never

deviates from His nature, became filled with supreme bliss

upon entering Våndävana.

5 Acyuta – who never diverges from His constitutional qualities, especially

His mercy, His beauty and His sweet pastimes; who never fails to keep His word

and to please His devotees.

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