
  • E-Counselor

    Hare Krsna,


    Turnip, carrot, radish, potato, sweet potato are all allowed to be eaten by vaishnavas. 

    Only onion garlic is not allowed. 


    Your servant,

    Radha Rasamayi DD


  • Hare Krishna,

    Any Vegetable which grows under the soil is considered forbidden to a practicing vaishnava.

    I use the word " Practicing Vaishnava"

    Because, the vegetables like potato, turnip, carrot all grow under the soil not exposed to sunlight.  That means it is a tamasic food. That which is growing in dark and shady places not in light is full of Tamas ( ignorance). So it is forbidden.

    For those advanced vaishnavas who are well situated on Krishna consciousness ( like Lord Shiva) who is totally submerged into Krishna 24/7 .. such advanced devotees don't care for eating anything. As for they have transcend that practicing stage and are well situated in Krishna bhakti. For them eating anything or eathing nothing mean the same.

    Hare Krishna

    • Okay Mataji. Hare Krsna

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