
  • Volunteer
    For that you can read the passtime between Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Chan kazi:

    "Lord Caitanya began to preach the congregational chanting (SanKirtana) of the Holy Name of the Lord at Navadvipa. Some of the Brahmins became envious of His popularity and they put many hindrances on His path. At last such Brahmins complained the matter before Muslim Magistrate at Navadvipa.

    Bengal was then governed by Pathans and the Governor of the Province was Nawab Hussain Shah. The Muslim Magistrate of Navadvipa took up the complaints, of the Brahmins, seriously and at first he warned the followers of Nimai Pandit not to chant loudly the Name of Hari. But Lord Chaitanya asked His followers to disobey the orders of the Kazi and they went on with their Sankirtan Party as usual. The Magistrate then sent constables and broke some of the Mridangas where Sankirtan was taking place. When Nimai Pandit (Lord Caitanya) heard this incidence he organised a civil disobedience movement at Navadvipa. He is the pioneer of civil disobedience movement in India for the right cause. He organised a procession of one lac of men with thousands of Mridangas and Karatals and the procession passed over the roads of Navadvipa without any fear of the Kazi who issued the order.

    At last the party reached the house of the Kazi who went upstairs out of fear of the mass movement. The men, assembled there at the house of Kazi, showed haughty temper but the Lord asked them to be peaceful.
    At this the Kazi came down and pacified the Lord by addressing Him as his nephew. He said that Nilambar Chakrabarty was called by him as Chacha or the uncle and as such Srimati Sachidevi the mother of Nimai Pandit became his sister. He asked Nimai Pandit whether a sister's son can be angry upon his maternal uncle?

    The Lord replied that rightly the Kazi was his maternal uncle but when the nephew is a guest at the house of his maternal uncle why he shall not be well received. In this way the whole thing was mitigated and there was a long discussion on Koran and Hindu Shastras between the Chan Kazi and Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

    Lord Chaitanya said to him: go dugdha khao, gabi tomara mata. "You drink cow's milk, therefore the cow is your mother." (Shri Chaitanya Charitamrita, Adi-lila, Chapter 17, Verse 153)

    Lord Chaitanya then asked the Kazi why he killed and ate cows. The cow is the mother of everybody because the cow unselfishly and indiscriminately gives everyone her own milk. How can one justify killing and eating such a mother?
    Then Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu said to him:

    go-angayata loma, lata sahasra vatsara
    go-vadhi raurava-madhye pace nirantara

    "Cow killers and cow eaters are condemned to rot in a hellish condition of life for as many thousands of years as there are hairs on the body of each cow they eat." (Shri Chaitanya Charitamrita, Adi-lila, Chapter 17, Verse 166)

    Even though Chand Kazi was the spiritual guide of the Emperor Hussein Shah, still his spiritual understanding and philosophy stem­ming from the Koran was inadequate and deficient. The Muslim Kazi himself concluded: sahaja yavana-sastre adrdha vicara. 'The reasonings and arguments in the scriptures of meat-eaters is not based on very sound judgement." (Shri Chaitanya Charitamrita, Adi-lila, Chapter 17, Verse 171)

    Chand Kazi stated that according to the Muslim book, the Koran, there is no mention or any authorization for killing the cow. He concluded that those who say these conclusions are authorized are speaking against the Holy Koran.

    The kazi also questioned the Lord about cow sacrifice in the Vedas and the Lord replied that sacrifice of cow mentioned in the Vedas is not cow-killing. In that sacrifice an old bull or cow is sacrificed (Gaumedha yajna) to give it fresh younger life by the power of Vedic Mantras. In the Kali-yuga such cow sacrifice is forbidden on account of absence of such learned Brahmin able to conduct such sacrifice. In the Kaliyuga, therefore, all Yajnas are forbidden because they are useless attempt by the foolish men. In the Kaliyuga only the Sankirtan Yajna is recommended for all practical purposes.

    The Chand Kazi, with tears in his eyes, then fell at the lotus feet of the Lord and vowed that from that day onwards neither he nor anyone from his dynasty would ever, now or in the future, put any obstruction whatsoever to the sankirtan movement. If, said the Kazi, any descendant of his ever did so, then that descendant would be rejected from the family and disinherited. Hearing this, Lord Chaitanya chanted "Hari! Hari!" Rising, He led the jubilant and victorious sankirtan party back to Shridham Mayapur.
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