Jai Jagannath. Pranam to all devotees. Looking at the title, of course it is about the way vaishnavis are supposed to dress up. According to the vedic literatures, the hair of women are not supposed to be exposed in public places. Hence, it is advisable for matajis to cover their head and it is not something foreign for the devotees of ISKCON.It is a very good practice too. Vedic Culture is actually the culture of ancient India or Bharat which covers all the present states of INDIA and other provinces around as well.
Now, the question is, why is it in South India, even in ancient South India (Dravida province covering Karnataka, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Southern Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu), we could not see the emphasize on this issue. Even in South Indian temples like Tirupati or Sri Rangam, we don't see any of the consorts of the Lord with covered head. Neither do we see any ancient paintings of the Goddesses with their head covered ( especially paintings that have South Indian origin.)
I am a Malaysian with South Indian origin and being married to a Mayapuri, i make sure that my head is always covered.I am totally comfortable with that, but I cant help myself from trying to know why is there such a difference between the Southern and Northern region when it comes to this issue.....
Or, do correct me if I am wrong...
Dhameishvari devi dasi
Hare Krsna !
pl join thousands of blissful devotees all over the world by subscribing to free transcendental ecourse www.backtohome.com The mentor of the same is one of the dear disciples of Srila Prabhupada
your servant
Dear Mataji Dhameishvari,
Please accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
If you are in Mayapur then you or your husband may ask this question from H.H. Bhakti Vidya Purna Maharaja. I heard one of his lectures where he was explaining this topic in great detail, but I cannot find the lecture record immediately. If I find it, I will post the transcription here...
Your humble servant,
Madhavi-lata d.d.
thanks a lot mataji
Hare Krsna Mataji !
Yes according to the Vedic literatures, women should cover their head in front of their elders or outsiders and one must follow this unless it is not possible like if working in some private offices.
we should not compare ourselves to Krsna or His consorts.
The instructions in the scriptures are meant for us only for our benefit only as the sages can see the future and they knew how the minds of the people, speciall of Kaliyuga would be polluted. So they gave such instructions, by covering the head, the women does not protect herself from lustful eyes of people but also got motherly respect which used to be the procedure in earlier ages when every woman other than wife was treated as mother (varna ashrama culture)
If in the deities form, Krsna's consort are not shown as covering their head, there may be numerous reasons -
1.First thing, we are not sure on this, as we don't have seen the consorts of Krsna in their original form.
2. A mother is not supposed to cover her head in front of her children (all living beings)
3. Generally if we are relate to any female deity in reverence or respectful devotional relationship, then we are not supposed to see the face of the deity, we are supposed to look at feets only. Like Lakshama ji only used to see the feets of Sita mata ji.
4. No one is elder than them, so they are not supposed to cover their heads in front of young ones.
hope it will help a little.
thanks for the nice question.
your servant
thanks a lot prabhu.....it was enligtening