Urgent Help Needed

Hare Krishna 2 All,


It is very sad that one of my dearest friend is facing tough phase of his life and ill-health.

He is an aspiring devotee , but he wants to meet a Astrologer for his satisfaction.

I wanted to help him and prevent him from consulting a wrong person.

So, can anyone suggest a "DEVOTEE" Astrologer in Mumbai .

Thank You.


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  • Volunteer

    Hare Krsna,

    I am very sad to hear about your dearest friend. Unfortunately, I don't know any "DEVOTEE" astrologer in Mumbai or nearby. The main problem is that there are very few persons who are really good astrologers nowadays. It is a complex and difficult science to master. However, I would like to just remind you without offenses about the following quotes given by his Divine grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada on astrology. He advised to put more faith and reliance on Krsna.

    3/24/74 BG Bombay

    Tamala Krshna:What is the position of astrology in Krshna consciousness?

    Srila Prabhupada: Astrology is a science. Krshna consciousness has nothing to do with astrology, but it is the general custom that as soon as a child is born the astrologers come. That is the Indian system, Vedic system.

    05/03/69 Lecture: Boston, Massachusetts

    "Regarding astrology, you should not listen to any of these so-called astrologers -- strictly avoid. Don't even see them. What is the use of seeing them? Astrology is meant for the materialist, but a spiritualist does not care for the future. Everything is dependent upon Krishna. So where is the necessity of astrology? The devotees' principle is, let there happen anything as Krishna desires. Let me remain sincere devotee, that's all. Pure devotee is never interested in this astrology.

    So, continue nicely with your deity worship there and read my books very carefully, and without fail chant 16 rounds on your beads daily. I hope this meets you in good health."

    01/09/75 Letter to Devamaya

    Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated June 6, 1975 and have noted the contents. No, you should not bother with all this nonsense. Astrology will not save you at the time of death. My Guru Maharaj was a great astrologer and astronomer, but he gave it all up. It is meant for the karmis. We have no interest in such things.

    I hope this meets you in good health.

    HDG A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

    From the book "Science of Self-Realization":

    Interviewer: Then the question may be raised that if destiny cannot be checked, then why not let every newborn child simply run around like an animal, and whatever is destined to happen to him will happen?


    Śrīla Prabhupāda: No, the advantage is that you can train him spiritually. Therefore it is said, tasyaiva hetoḥ prayateta kovidaḥ: you should engage your energy for self-realization. Ahaituky apratihatā: devotional service, Kṛṣṇa consciousness, cannot be checked. Just as material destiny cannot be checked, your advancement in spiritual life cannot be checked if you endeavor for it.


    Actually, Kṛṣṇa will change destiny—but only for His devotee. He says, ahaṁ tvāṁ sarva-pāpebhyo mokṣayiṣyāmi: “I shall give you all protection from all reactions of sinful activities.” (Bhagavad-gītā 18.66)

    Hari Bol,

    • Great Reply !!

      Perfect Answer , i agree to this 100% prabhu .

      But my friend is not Devtee, so was thinking to help him, but now i think i can't help him out of my capacity :)

      • Volunteer

        Hare Krsna,

        Thank you Prabhu for taking the advice positively.

        Why not try to chant the Hare Krsna maha mantra when you visit your friend.

        If you think he is in the proper mood even if suffering, then you can explain benefits of this mantra.

        Even in the most difficult circumstances,it is advised to chant this maha mantra.

        Hari Bol,

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