Transition from Dwapara yuga to Kali yuga

Is there any detailed description in the scriptures of how the transition took place from Dwapara yuga to Kali yuga ?
Did some major changes take place on our planet during the transition ? What was the start of Kali yuga like ?
Apologize if my question sounds amateurish.

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  • E-Counselor

    Hare KRsna Prabhujis,


    I am not aware of any gap of years between 2 yugas. It is clearly stated in Srimad Bhagawatam that Kali entered Earth immediately on Lord Krsna's departure. Then there are references of Parikshit meeting Kali (when he is beating the bull standing on 1 leg).

    To my knowledge, 3 kinds of pralaya happens at the end of each yuga cycle, at the end of each day of Brahma and at the end of the life of Brahma. The 4th is antarik pralaya.

    I hope this clarifies.


    Your servant,


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