Tired after chanting

Hare Krsna!


I feel very tired and exhausted after I chant. I am unable to start my work then since I feel very drained. I must admit that I don't chant in the best way possible. My mind wanders a lot. May be that is the reason I feel tired. But until I can bring my mind under control, what to do?

I appreciate your help. Hari Bol.

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  • Volunteer

    It is because not we become tired we feel tired on the contrary because of our inattentiveness Holy Names become tried of us. 

    What is the solution?

    Krishna in the Form of Deity might be very strict for offenses but only merciful Form of His are His Holy Names.

    There are 9 very powerful methods of bhakti.

    One of them is offering prayers.

    Same thing happened to me after very hectic traveling days. Mind was fully disturbed by external things. Chanting became dry. I could finish my rounds struggling at 10-11 PM. Very bad.

    Then feeling without shelter i started to pray to the Holy Names.

    Yes, it works. We have to cry and pray to the Holy Names. Open our heart. And Holy Names will hear us and reveal His mercy. Then we feel taste.

    Best lucks!!! ;) 

    Your servant, 

  • Volunteer

    I attended the Japa workshop by HG Mahatama pr some time back here in Bangalore and would like to share some points form that. First of all, yes Mind is very very difficult thing to control. And it is known fact that it wanders here and there more than any time when we sit for our Japa. The 2 hours in the day seems to be the LOOOONGEST ever. But the solution is simple. We need to train our mind. Every time the mind goes away, bring it back to hearing the holy name of Lord. Tell your mind that it has to spend 2 hours any ways with the chanting od the holy names then why not spend the best possible time by trying to hear the names attentively. We can read some of the glories of chanting holy names form books like Namaamrit so that we get some enthusiasm to chant nicely. HG Mahatama Pr says, When you chant... CHANT. Meaning when ever we are chanting, we should do nothing but chanting of the holy name and hear it attentively.

    Some times, when we do not have proper rest in the night, we feel sleepy and tired during japa. So, the best practice is to chant in the morning 4:30-6:30 is the BEST time. There are many reasons why we suggest devotees to chant in the morning. First of all, it is the Brahama Muhartha and the best time to practice devotional service like Japa. Second reason is that at this time, all the people around will be still sleeping and the atmosphere will be very conducive for us to do our japa. There will be no or very less disturbance from the traffic/vehicles etc. As the day progresses, there are lot of distractions and mind will start doing multitasking.

    Most of the time, we put our Japa on the least priority. We try to do all other things that are not urgent but japa. For example, if we are late for some reason and could not finish our 16 rounds before leaving to our office/college/school, we think, its ok I can come back and finish my japa in the evening. But we never even think of missing or compromising with anything else in life like though late we never skip a meal any time right??? Even if we skip, we try to munch on something alternative latter. So all I can say is that proper training and practice is what we need to get taste in our Japa.

    Hare Krishna...

    • Thank you so much Sudheendra prabhu for your reply.

      Yes I am trying to train my mind. Now my chanting is better. Hopefully it will remain like that for a long time, if not forever :) I will certainly refer continuously to this post to remind myself how to chant better.

      Hare Krsna!

  • Mind is not forcibly or artificially controlled in Bhakti Yoga.Do not feel guilty of this nor try to impose  restrictions which are not natural as yet. Chanting never goes in vain. Ratnakar finally became Valmiki who initially could not even utter Lord Rama's name.This world is a wonderful creation of the Lord also. If we are lucky and have the blessings of Shyam Sundar no method of worship or philosophy is a standing block for us. Rather they eventually show the direction towards love of Shyam Sundar which is infinite and ever grows. Having a liberal attitude does not mean one is not sincerely following Bhakti Yoga. One must be aware of the pitfalls,drawbacks in this path but never overestimate their strength more than chanting.I do not know how many people have succeded in controlling the mind. That is why do not give up  chanting because of the heavy burden of rules and regulations. Mind which is nothing but a photoprint of so many memories  of this life and the previous ones undergoes eventually change. Attentive chanting means not to desire from Shyam Sundar any other return except His infinite love.Otherwise ,fighting with mind or the world or other methods might completely drain away one's energy and leave one without heart or emotion.Also, chanting is a seven days twenty four hour event. Of course, that is the highest level of Gopis or Srimati Radharani. But Jeevatma is conditioned and has to understand on's situation. Be more spontaneous and that makes the rules and regulations more meaningful rather than creating always fear of punishment. Bottom line is chanting is developing the loving relationship of the infinitesimal soul for infinite Lord. Every syllable of Mahamantra means that. This also transforms human nature,mind and takes one to the path of infinite love.There is no sectarean view nor any narrow interpretation is involved.Mahamantra is a path as well as the goal which is infinite. This is not a target one is shooting at a finite distance. This is the ocean of love one is immersing which has no bottom.This love is the love for the absolute truth, knowledge and Ananda (Sat, Chit, Ananda swarupa Sri Krishna).For that we need the blessing of  His inner potenncy Srimati Radharani who can give pure Bhakti.


    • Thank you so much prabhuji for your wonderful reply. This is exactly what is happening to me... I am forcing my mind a lot and eventually making myself void of emotions and heart. Then I feel guilty that I can not feel the divine love of Krsna. Now I will rather focus on drowning in the ocean of His love.

      Hare Krsna prabhu. Thank you again.

    • Thank you so much prabhuji for finding and giving me all the links. They are very helpful.

      Hare Krsna!

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