
  • Volunteer

    Radhanath Maharaja:

    Why was Gita spoken on the battlefield? Krishna could have spoken to Arjuna in a cave in the Himalayas or in an ashram or on the bank of a holy river.  This is usually where people go to hear from sadhus.  But Krishna spoke to Arjuna in the least likely place and time,  in a battlefield on the brink of a war.

    This is because the world is a battlefield and all of us are face to face with opposing forces.

    On the one hand there is the propaganda of the scriptures to become detached, to become pure in heart, to become a servant of God , and to become the servant of all human beings.  The real fulfillment of all the desires of the soul will come to the degree we accept this position that ‘I am the humble servant of the Lord and a humble servant of all my brothers and sisters in the world.’

    On the other hand there is the material propaganda  that we are the master and we are the enjoyer.


    Radhanath Maharaja:

    The Gita had been spoken on a battlefield because life itself is a battle where evil perpetually attacks good and our sacred ideals are destined to be tested. We will all be confronted by grave dangers and fearsome demons within and without. There is much to be gained from facing these aggressors with integrity and faith. Krishna’s timeless call culminates in the practice of selfless devotion, determination, and spiritual absorption as the means to access a power beyond our own to overcome all fear — the power of God’s love.

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