The Qualities of a Sad-Guru

Sad-guru, which is what Srila Prabhupada translated as “bona fide spiritual master”,
means one on the platform of eternity, sat, and therefore it means self-realized. All
preachers are gurus, as they deliver the Lord’s message under the guidance of the
Acaryas. But to deliver another conditioned soul is not possible for a conditioned soul:
“Actually a bona fide spiritual master is never a conditioned soul.” (Letter 6.10.69). I have
compiled a few more quotes for clarification:
He must be self-realized:
“Unless one is under the shelter of a self-realized guru, his understanding of the
Supreme is simply foolishness.” (Teachings of Lord Caitanya, p.201)
“The qualification of the guru is that he must have realized the conclusion of the
scriptures.” (SB 11.3.21)
“To become Krishna conscious one must take shelter of a realized soul... a self-realized
spiritual master, a niskincana.” (SB 7.5.32)
“A serious devotee must first approach a spiritual master who is not only well versed in
the Vedic literature but is also a great devotee with factual realization of the Lord.” (SB
“One must approach a self-realized Krishna conscious person and touch his feet.” (SB
“Unless one is self-realized and knows what his relationship is with the Supersoul, he
cannot become a bona fide spiritual master.” (SB 3.28.2)
“The word ‘tattva-darshi’ refers to one has perfectly realized the Supreme Personality of
Godhead.” (SB 5.15.4)
He must be a pure devotee:
“No one can get out of this struggle for existence without accepting a pure devotee of the
Lord.” (SB 5.14.1)
“This confidential knowledge is extremely difficult to understand, yet it’s very easy if one
takes shelter of a pure devotee.” (SB 7.6.27)
“One cannot be in a transcendental position unless one serves very faithfully a pure
Vaisnava.” (CC Antya 7.53)

“One’s guide must be a spiritual master who is an unalloyed devotee strictly following
the instructions of the previous acarya.” (CC Madhya 10.17)
“One has to hear from a pure devotee.” (SB 4 20.25)
“If one desires liberation from the clutches of maya, one must associate with a pure
devotee mahatma.” (SB 5.5.2)
“Unless one is properly trained by a mahatma or unalloyed devotee of the Lord, there is
no possibility of one’s understanding Krishna and His devotional service.” (SB 7.5.30)
He must be liberated:
“The specific qualification for becoming the representative of the Lord is to be unaffected
by the modes of nature.... Since a brahmana is in the mode of goodness, to be a
brahmana is not sufficient for becoming a representative of the Lord.” (SB 3.4.31)
“In the clutches of maya no one can be an authoritative instructor.” (Gita 2.13)
“The bona fide guru is freed from all material contamination.” (SBg 5.14.13)
He must be as good as Krishna:
“Help can only be given by a spiritual master like Krishna.” (Gita 2.8)
“He is on the level of Krishna.... Krishna is worshipable God and the spiritual master is
worshiper God.” (Letter 9.26 69)
He must be Krishna’s confidential associate:
“He is always considered either one of the associates of Radharani, or a manifested
representation of Srila Nityananda Prabhu.” (CC Adi 1.46)
“When a devotee is fully surrendered at the lotus feet of Krishna, Krishna accepts him as
one of His confidential associates.” (CC Madhya 22.102)
“A bona fide guru is a most faithful and confidential servant of the Lord.” (CC Adi
He sees Krishna:
“In the suddha-sattva or vasudeva state, the Lord is revealed without any covering....
Krishna is revealed in the heart of a devotee.... In pure Krishna Consciousness, the Lord
is revealed.... When the senses are purified by the discharge of pure devotional service,
the pure senses can see Krishna without covering.... By the bhakti-yoga process, one can
clearly see the face of the Lord.” (SB 4.3.23)
“In the suddha sattva state one can always see Krishna eye to eye by dint of pure
affection for the Lord”.(SBhag 1.2.19)
“The spiritual master has actually seen Krishna, therefore he can explain Him properly.”
(SB 5.12.11)
He must be a paramahamsa:
(SB 5.5.10)
He must be a mahabhagavata;
“There are three classes of devotees... the first class devotee is also called a
mahabhagavata... only he is eligible to occupy the post of guru.” (CC Madhya 24.330)
Sri Guru-Tattva by Swami BV Suddhadvaiti 76
“Uttama-adhikari delivers others from material existence.” (CC Madhya 22.65)
More symptoms of an uttama adhikari are given in the Bhagavatam:
1 12.17; 1.18 16; 4.22.16; 7.4.37; 11.2 45-55;
Caitanya Caritamrita Madhya 8.273; 16.74; 17.32; 24.330;
Upadesamrita 5; Perfect Questions Perfect Answers p 55; Isopanisad 6; Madhurya
He must be a resident of Krishnaloka:
(Letter 6 10.69)

I m confused by reading these statements from Sri Guru-Tattva by Swami BV Suddhadvaiti  formerly Jayantakrid das aka Jayanta Krsna das (ACBSP).

DO we have such gurus in ISKCON presently??

plzzz....... reply.......

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  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna dear Devotees, please accept my humble obeisances!

    All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

    Once Srila Prabhupada was asked a question "Are a pure Devotee?" Prabhupada replied that yes, because i follow instructions of a pure soul- my Guru Maharaj. (i do not remember the exact dialog but the main meaning was like that).

    In ISKCON most Gurus are disciples of Srila Prabhupada who is a pure Devotee then it makes sense.

    Mercy flows but here is the problem of our own heart.

    If our heart is with holes in it mercy will be lost even though consumed.

    Firstly we have to make our selves a nice disciple then Krishna will give us enough intelligence to see who is correct and who is wrong.


    We have to remember the next thing:

    In this material world there are only 2 realities:

    1. SOUL

    2. HOLY NAME

    When we start to chant with our tongue and hear with our ears it washes away all coverings - ignorance. Then we will attain clear intelligence which is already there within our heart.

    Soul is made of eternal knowledge and bliss. We already have pure love for Krishna but that one is covered.

    And in order to help us to remove that dirt the Holy Name comes as Srimad Bhagavatams, Guru, other Devotees to give to us instruction of how to chant. Holy Name comes in the form of Deity so that we can chant Him with our other senses like eyes, hands, whole body and mind...


    we will get clear intelligence only if we chant nicely. And what does it mean to chant nicely???

    Chaitania Mahaprabhu says that one should be humble than a blade of grass, tolerant than a tree, respect everyone and to wait for respect to ourselves.Only in that condition we will be able to chant purely and get the mercy of Krishna.

    And Krishna's mercy is Guru. And by Guru's mercy we get Krishna.

    In this way better to cultivate our deep relationship with the Naam Prabhu He will surely help.

    Naam Prabhu will protect from misleading ways.

    All glories to Guru and Gouranga!

    Your servant, 

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