The mahabarata within

The universe in you speaks to the universe in me, an eternal echo. Just as the pen does not write but the writer writes, be used as a pen by God. And instrument. The mahabrata is a war that takes place within each of us at certain points and various understandings. Even if the world hates you or chastises you for your words and truths, if they are in love and the objective of unity between peoples then your Duties should be fulfilled. When viewed from within the words in  any text can be viewed externally or internalized. The inverted internalization of information in reference to the self allows you to learn.  For when i am open and willing and hear Krishna speak through each and every person I can learn something. Life is but a projection. This is the Mahabarata within. You are your path. The destiny is you.  For have we not come here to learn from experience. We have the choice of the viewing the external God or the God within. Just ramblings of a crazy man in severe physical pain and immobilized for three weeks. External everyone seems seperate. Internal they are all in me and I in them, everyone becomes a Buddha, a teacher.  For the man who chastises you is their to teach you patience! The light each of us beholds is such a gift if we can only see it. For what can the sinless teach us with conviction? it is only the redeemed and the overcoming of strife that gives you the tools to help another. Even food is worthless without God. When you can see the text in yourself you can reflect its light. Each battle we all face is the exact thing we need to grow. mara's poison is also the cure. It is krishna consciousness, not being conscious of krishna. But it is according to understanding. Love thy neighbor as thyself is the whole of the law, the rest is mere commentary.

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