
    • Hare Krishna...

      Thanks for the link, I got lot of information out of this link.

      However, I am still confused.

      I heard that,Brahman got Aeranga (spelling not sure) performing yagna. 9 nodes of it was used to make Saranga Bow of Lord Vishnu, 7 nodes for Jayenta Bow of Lord Shiva, 5 nodes for Godanta Bow (the bow used by Rama to kill Ravana), 3 nodes for Gandiva Bow (Agni took it from Varun and gave to Arjun) and 1 node for Mohana Murli.

      As the Gandiva Bow was very old (1000 years under Lord Brahma. Afterwards, Prajapati held it for five hundred and three years. After that Indra, for five hundred and eighty years. And then Soma held it for five hundred years. And after that Varuna held it for a hundred years before handing it to Arjuna). If we have to consider Godanta Bow, than it is in the Tetra Yug. As the Mohana Murli is from the same material that makes this Bows, The flute of Mohan should have existed long before Lord Krishna in Dwapura Yug.

      That is why I am so confused. I requested all the learned members to help me.

      Hare Krishna.....

      • Volunteer

        Hare Krishna dear Devotees, please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
        KA Prabhu is correct Krishna is the source of everything.
        But when He comes to one of material planets He is accompanied by His eternal associates like His flute, conhshell, chakra, friends, gopis....Lands....
        When He came as Vamana Dev one of Demigods presepnted Him many gifts - His own associates.
        When He came as Krishna Govardhan came as a son of one Rhsi long before His descend. Vrindavan Dham and Yamuna also came and made arragements for Lords descend.
        In this way His flute is also His eternal associate. As like Srimati Radharani or others.
        Your servant,

  • HK:

    Krsna is the giver of everything to everyone. He does not take anything from anyone because everything belongs to Him.

    He just makes it appear as if He is accepting things from His devotees by giving it to them at first and gives the credit of gifting it to Him.

    Hare Krsna.

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