sacred scriptures offers a number of methods by which we can concentrate the mind, since in all yoga traditions mental control is the key to making advancement. some of the methods involving disciplines,regulations, purificatory processes, breathing techniques, logic, spiritual education etc.

the holy scriptures however come to one single conclusion:

just as the rising sun eliminates all traces of darkness, the Lord's presence in the heart causes all material desires to first weaken and then disapper. by hearing about Krsna or His holy names, the Lord enters the heart even if a devotee is not yet fully established in his Krsna Consiousness. no one should become discouraged to find that he is still unable to concentrate while chanting the divine names. rather, one should continue chanting while humbly recognising his material attachments and praying to become free from them. such a devotee will feel," i am still so conditioned. my mind wanders even when i chant the supreme names. this is due to my past and present material attachments and my lack of attachment to the Lord" 

at this stage the devotees go deep inside, and after reflecting on their shortcomings they turn honestly to Krsna for help,"am i not like a drunkard who wants to give up alcohol after having seen its dangerous effects? but alas, whenever i come close to it and smell it, i find that i am still addicted. what a dilemma... today i helplessly turn to You. please take my harmful material attachments out of my heart and exchange them for deep attachment to You and everything connected to You"


when Krsna sees our sincere attitude, an attitude free of duplicity and cheating, Hr definitely enters the heart and purifies it of all contrary desires while accepting our love. 

Srimad Bhagvatam explains: Sri Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is the Paramatma in everyone's heart and the benefactor of the truthful devotee, cleanses the desire for material enjoyment from the heart of the devotee who has developed the urge to hear His glories, which are in themselves virtuous when properly heard and chanted"



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    The Devotional Method Of Controlling The Mind Is The Most Effective


    Its very true, this is the only way our mind could be under our control.


    Thanks for sharing such a wonderful practical message.

    Read more : Spiritual Quest
  • Gives hope to each individual soul and that was the benediction of all merciful Lord Sri Chaitanya. Sincerity leads to taste  and love develops. Personal weaknesses as one's samskara takes gradually backseat.  Nama Japa or sankirtan is beneficial to start with. Even at Namaparadha stage this has effect. No one has to feel discouraged . Mental thoughts due to present or past sanskaa or personal  weaknesses are no reason  for discouragement. Mahamantra is powerful and this puifies.Faith in the process also develops as one progresses. Procastination for any reason is not one's friend to receive the mercy.Mahamantra sound is not physical . Our body and mind are.Our heart is closer to our soul than our mind.This should be prepared to receive the mercy.


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