
Hare Krishna all,


All glories to srila prabhupada and my gurudev!

 It is very difficult to resist temptations continuing from my past life. How to overcome

the temptations for UN-KC food, videos, music. Even though I am following KC I get easily

attracted to spicy food of restaurants but i cant have them (because of onion and garlic). I like

home made food but love restaurants as i used to be regular visitor. I am tamsic by nature love spicy food and filmy music. I am almost successful on food but have to conquer videos and music.Anyways

why I am so much attracted that I cant leave them after having knowledge of their side effects??

How can I control it apart from chanting and having kc food .


Servant of your servants



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  • Volunteer

    Hare Krsna,

    His divine grace, A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, has mentioned a nice story to explain the

    importance of avoiding onion and garlic.


    However, hing is often used as a replacement although as mentioned by other devotees, the idea is

    reduce attachment to material things progressively.

    Being able to control the tongue will help you a lot.


  • Volunteer

    animals like me someday prayed and Krishna heard my voice. and sent His Devotees to deliver me.

  • Volunteer

    He is in His heart as a Super Soul Prabhuji, and provides everything for him.

    as like the Elephant Gajendra prayed to the Lord when he was attacked by a crocodile. And Lord Narayana immediately came in Garuda with His Chakra and caught the enemy into two parts and saved Gajendra.

    In this way Lord is ready to help any of us here if we just turn our face to Him and pray for help.

    Your servant,   

  • Hare Krishna, Pamho. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
    I too feel the same way. Im in touch with Kc since 4 yrs and been chanting regularly. When i ll b attending temple programmes, doin Keertan i feel fully spiritually charged up. I ll b thinkin i need to completely surrender to Krishna and do whatever i can to go back to Godhead in this birth itself. But when i go back to my college, Manipal University, the environment is full of mode of passion. Girls n boys mixin very freely.. Girls dressin up in a way intentionally to attract guys. Though my intelligence is strong enough, not allow me to get close to any of them and not do any bad Karma stil when they r walkin around i tend to get attracted and then later i ll feel bad n guilty for lookin at them. I ll remember Lord Chaitanya banishing chota Haridas from their group for looking at a woman lustily, and these thoughts make me feel stil bad. So im trying my best from this yr not to get attracted by maya. More frequent association of devotees is the key what i feel..
  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna Aakash Menon Prabhu, please accept my humble obeisances! all glories to Srila Prabhupada!

     Once Srila Prabhupada asked His disciples if they were afraid of Maya (i think if i did not forget, this happened when they saw and advertisement in the street with not good dressed girls.)  Then disciples laughed and told that they do not afraid. But Srila Prabhupada told: "but I do".

    In this way He wanted to say that even if you are great sage if you do not protect your senses from sense objects then easily you will fall. Maya is very strong.

    Devotees protect themselves from Maya by being engaged with Devotional service full time. It means if one lives at home one can invite Deities and take care of Them. When Deities come to our home and when we serve to Them we will start to understand that this home is not mine,

    i clean - devotional service,

    i take bath - devotional service,

    i eat offering to Deities - devotional service,

    i buy new clothes, wear, decorate body for Deities - devotional service,

    i earn money for taking care of Deities - devotional service,

    i open music to bring pleasure to the senses of Deities - devotional service,

     i use insects offer to Deities - devotional service.........


    for example, i had or maybe even now have too much attachment to one signer who is fully non Devotee. and i know that if i listen him again now, i will again remember my past life and again will suffer. (fans of karmis really suffer, because materialistic person is not available to everyone. Krishna is only Purusha who can be attainable even to an ant).  

    because of that i artificially avoid thoughts of him, about his songs, his voice. and it works. Also we have to pray to Krishna to help us to cut our unneeded attachments.

    And when we pray nicely, then He will surely help us.


    when we cultivate good qualities then automatically desire to foods in the mode of ignorance and passion will go away.

    Good qualities we can cultivate by attentively chanting the Holy Names and rendering service to the Devotees who have such like qualities.


    and if You really know the reality about restaurant foods then i am sure that You never ever will step there.

      here was discussed the subject about food cooked by others: http://www.iskcondesiretree.net/forum/topics/associating-with-un-kc...


    Your servant, 


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