Telepathy and Clairvoyance powers

Hare Krishna. All glories to Shrila Prabhupada.

I have met many advanced devotees who have powers like telepathy and clairvoyance. I request someone if they could let me know that if we are chanting the Hare Krishna Mahamantra for Krishna Prema then what is the use of all these powers ? I would like to know why the Lord gives such mystic powers to his devotees ?

I also request someone to guide me that at which stage of realization does a devotee get these mystic powers ? Is it while the anartha nivritti is going on or after the entire anartha nivritti is complete i.e the stage of nishtha.

Thanking in advance.



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  • Volunteer

    somewhere in Canto 9th Lord Shiva names only few Devotees in this universe who know past, present and future to some extent. But they are really great Devotees. He mentions himself, Prahlad Maharja, Yamaraj and some others. 

    In one lecture of Radhanath Swami i heard that no need to have such like powers in order to be called a pure Devotee.

    Lord may give this power or may not but it is not the definition of a pure Devotee.


    Sometimes it says that when one has pure heart can hear the voice of Paramatma. In this way knows about future or past. Because of this deep connection with Paramatma. Because of that it is very important to purify our heart.

    One purifies one's heart if he serves selflessly to the Lord and to His Devotees. When one does not have selfish desires that means he is pure.

    Your servant , 

  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna,prabhu!! Even Bhakt Hanuman had mystic powers. He could increase or decrease his size, fly in air, increase his strength thousandfold. Still he is a perfect devotee as he used all his powers in the service of Lord. Possessing mystic powers is not bad if only we can dovetail them to God. If these powers increase our ego, then it's harmful.

  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna Mihir Prabhu, please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

    Sometimes our mind just think and concoct something very imaginary. And because of that we think that some Devotees have telepathy or some  other things like that.

    But in the reality Krishna is All Attractive. When one sincerely comes in contact with Him also becomes attractive to everyone to some extent. Even though some Devotees may not have cute body but their purity is attractive. But sometimes our envious heart does not want to accept that pure person as a sincere Devotee. But create such like concoctions about telepathy...

    Pure Devotees of the Lord may have mystic powers or may not have them. They do not bother about that. Krishna may give them anything He wants. And sometime even if they have such like powers Devotees may use only in the service of Krishna.  

    For gaining a mystic powers no need to do devotional service. Even demons can get that by performing great austerities. As like Hiranyakashipu...

    Pure Devotee may reach Goloka Vrindavan even not having any mystic powers. It is the power of bhakti. 

    Your servant in serving to Srila Prabhupada!

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