All glories to Srila Prabhupad,

                                                    "Daibi heisa..........................Mayametam taranti te"

        The illusion created by Lord Shrikrishna,is so strong to cross. Only the practitioners know this very well. Even Mahadev has fallen prey to it many a times, what to speak of ordinary man. That is what Lord Shrikrishna has conveyed in the first line of the text. But He ,in the second line, has apprised as to how can it be crossed. So he prescribes 'complete surrender' at his lotus feet to overtake this illusion. This complete surrender can be realized by innocent service to the Lord. In this Kaliyug,as prescribed in the sat Shastras, the only way to to achieve this is by chanting his holy name. But this chanting has got three different stages in it with the 'innocent chanting' as the highest of its kind. And this innocent chanting means to a codified definition, " Anyabhilasita sunyam Gyana Karmadi Anabritam,    Anukulyena Krishnanusilam Bhaktir Uttama "

                                                         And above all and after all 'a true shelter at the lotus feet of a Sad Guru,i.e. as certified by Lord Shrikrishna in Bhagbat Gita' is a must. Otherwise impossible. The disciple succession system has to be adhered to in this regard as directed. Thus, the matter is both very difficult and easy on anybody's part. That is what another text of Bhagbat Gita cites,  "Manusyanam  sahashreshu...............................................Betti Tatwata"

                                                            This is what the great 'CHAITANYA CHARITAMRITA' states "Maya mugdh jiber nei Krishna smriti gyan, Taar janya kaila Krishna Ved ar Puran"     (HARE KRISHNA)

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