Swayambhu dieties form.

Hare Krishna,




 Are swayambhu dieties carved from the lord in stone form or self-manifested? Seeing

those dieties I dont feel they are self-manifested. I know many won't agree with me on

this forum but atleast I want some geniune answers which are not based on any sentiment.

I want to know why they are called self-manifested. I have read, at some point of time many

dieties were put underground to protect them from invadors and later they were discovered.

What could be the reason for the people calling them "svayambhu". I hope the replies will give

proper understanding of what might have happend.I believe in shaligram as lord looks natural.


Your Servant


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  • E-Counselor

    Hare Krsna Prabhuji,


    Please do google on Radha Raman Lal Ju and read for yourself - you may not believe if I post it here. Not only is the deity self manifested from a Shaligram shila, experts have examined the deity, which retains the form of Shaligram on the backside and concluded that it could not have been carved - has to be self manifested.

    Swayambu - as the word suggests - means self manifested, because that is what they are.

    You need unflinching faith and causeless mercy for the lord to appear in deity form for you to worship them.

    What replies you are looking for - which will give proper understanding, will be nothing but mental speculation by the ever doubting Thomases.

    Faith does not need a reason, love has no reason and logic does not answer all questions of the transcendental. Otherwise why would the word "inconceivable" be used again and again in connection with the lord and His activities, pastimes and abode.

    To give you an example, even there are lots of things in the material world which are inconceivable - could you ever imagine that an aircraft which is manmade, full of live people, driven by apparently sane pilots with no questionable track record, disappears from the face of the earth with no "proper understanding of what might have happened" to MH 370 even now, with all our collective intelligence, resources and willingness to find answers. Then what to speak of the lord, His pastimes and His mercy.

    Pray for that mercy prabhu. Your tears will not stop when you realise one fraction of that mercy in your life. I will pray that you experience it soon.

    Sorry, my entire post is sentimental, against what you had desired.


    Your servant,


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