My respect to all devotees. My obeisances to all Gurus.

Some where I have heard that if we surrender to Lord Krishna, the malefic effects of Rahu,Ketu and Saturn is removed.

Is it right? Devotees with astrological knowledge please provide your input.

Hare Krishna.

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  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna Prabhuji. Dandavat Pranam. All glories to Srila Prabhupada

    Everything works under the direction of Krishna, because Krishna is the self of all self and inner dweller of all sentient and non-sentient beings, so when someone surrender to the cause of all causes Krishna then he no longer need to worship or fear anyone. Just like if supreme court give order in favor of someone, any lower court can't do any harm to that person.

    your aspiring servant

    Hari Bol

    • Hari Bola.

      If Krishna Rakhe Toha Mare Ke....If Krishna Mare Toh Rakhe Ke.

      Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

      Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rame Hare Hare

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