
  • Superstition is not based on any firm facts or logic but just the idea that things happen with irrational beliefs behind them. Faith is a stronger form of trust which is based on reason and thought.

  • I'm very interested in this topic. I think that superstition is based on irrational beliefs, like thinking a black cat brings bad luck. Faith, however, is a strong trust in something, often without needing proof. For more on this topic, I found a great resource at It helps explain the nuances between these concepts.I will study it in more detail.

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  • E-Counselor

    Hare Krsna Prabhuji,


    Superstition is not based on any faith - it is merely hearsay without any basis or logic.

    Faith also defies logic a lot of times, it is however backed by a firm conviction.

    Superstition need not have any religious basis, unlike faith.

    The more knowledge one gains, the more faith gets strengthened and the more superstition gets dispelled.


    Your servant,

    Radha Rasamayi DD

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