Hare krishna
Dandawat pranam prabhuji /mataji
Iam from siricilla in siricilla district nerella village going to build a iskcon mandir recently sitharam prabuji was came to siricilla occation of boomi puja prabhu ji shares his own experince at mayapur
in mayapur prabhu ji was doing bagawath geetha course in that time prabhujis roomate a foregin devotee said one sentence to prabhuji that is you the indians sitted on dimond and begging for glass pieces
this words by sitharam prabhuji changed my life the next day i started doing 16 rounds chanting . iam doing 16 rounds but it was like hard to do can anyone tell me how to enjoy it
and also i want accociation of devotees
Hare Krishna,
Initially no one feels interested to chant. It is first stage.
There are three stages in chanting the holy name of the Lord. In the first stage, one commits ten kinds of offenses while chanting. In the next stage, namabhasa, the offenses have almost stopped, and one is coming to the platform of pure chanting. In the third stage, when one chants the Hare Krsna mantra without offenses, his dormant love for Krsna immediately awakens. This is the perfection.
– Srimad Bhagavatam 5.24.20
In telugu there is a saying tinaga tinaga vepa kuda tiyyaga undunu. If you continue eating a neam leaf also someday it may taste sweet.
There is a saying in hindi too- Dheere Dheere Re Mana, Dheere Sub Kucch Hoye Mali Seenche So Ghara, Ritu Aaye Phal Hoye. I think it is kabir das poetry. It means if a gardener waters 100 buckets in a day can I plant bore fruits immediately? everything has its time
When we chant we are removing and cleansing our bad karmas and bad karmas. Since how many life times you have accumulated your sanchita karma do we know.? how long that takes to totally earse our from the data base of the subconsicous mind do we know? We just keep doing and offering that to Krishna. Someday When Krishna casts HIS merciful glance or a guru or saint comes into ur life then only one can feel the sweetness of mahamantra chanting
hare krishna.
hare krishna mataji
thank you so much for this words this inspire me more. today anwards when iam chaning i will definetly remain this words for my life time and once again thank you so much for your valuable words
thank you for your time to answer me
3 stages of chanting are given too :-
1.Nama-aparadha : Offensive chanting of the holy name, or chanting of the holy name which is subject to the ten kinds of nama-aparadha.
2.Namabhasa : The stage of chanting in which one is becoming cleared of sins and offenses but has not yet attained pure chanting. By serving the spiritual master with full attention while chanting namabhasa, one gradually rises to the platform of suddha-nama...
3.suddha-nama : This is the pure stage of chanting where Krsna fully reveals Himself. A devotee who chants suddha-nama observes Krsna appearing personally on his tongue. As an effect of this chanting, he is bestowed pure love of God. Suddha-nama can be achieved by taking nama with a favorable attitude, while remaining free from all material desire, and from coverings of jnana, karma and so on. One will not receive suddha-nama as long as he still desires the fruits of performing jnana, karma, yoga and so on.
hare krishna mataji
thank you for your guidans please guid me more as sister
hare krishna