Hare krishna everyone
if the whole family is devotee then will they be together in spritual world if yes then will they know there past life will they be together again serving krishna.forgive me if i made any offence. thanks forgive me my english is not so good
Hare krishna
Hare Krishna everyone
thanks for the beautiful answers i really appreciate it thanks Hare Krishna
Hare Krishna, Krishna will be pleased if whole family is a devotee. Hari bol
Krishna fulfills His Devotees' desires. If You all want to serve to Krishna together then what is the difficulty for Krishna to fulfill Your desire?
And Krishna loves when He sees nice cooperation among his Devotees. It makes Him very happy.
As like He became very happy because of respectful association of 10 Prachetas and came to them.
Kunti Mata prays to Lord Krishna to remove the attachment to the material body of her sons but she prays to be attached to them as His Devotees.
In this way if we are attached to our family members as a Devotees - spirit souls then no problem.
Your servant,
Hare krishna Bhaktin Maral mataji thanks for your replies
Does normaly every devotee familys are togather in spiritual world or not how it works if we would go to goloak
then will we have family or we will live with krisha as a family because in this world devotee family live togather serve kRISHNA togeather. But How it works in goloak.forgive me if i made any offence. waiting for the replies thanks. Hare krishna
Prabhu, if You are attached to Your family members it means material attachment. Because for the soul everyone is brother and sister. They love each other very much.
Our real family is with our Guru Parampara and God sisters and God brothers.
Your servant,