Hare Krishna!
Please accept my humble obeisance. All glories to Srila Prabhupada,

Some people are not paying Service Tax (Not Income Tax, their income is less than 1.5 lacs per annum) to the Government? The reason for this, they are NOT taking Service Tax for their products from their customers.

Are these people actually SINNER to Krsna?

Just Servant

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  • Volunteer

    According to the laws of Manu Samhita tax should be paid as like the next:

    Example, farmer does business-sells 10 liters of milk. The original price of one liter milk lets say is 30 Rs. So according to the laws he has to sell it putting only 25% extra amount. So 25% of 30 Rs is 7.5 Rs so when he sells a liter of milk for 37.5 Rs. If he sell for bigger amount then he should be punished. 

    And for the government who is GIVING NICE PROTECTION he should pay 10% of his income. So 10% of 7.5 will be around 1Rs. So if he sells 10 liters milk he pays 10Rs per day as a tax.

    If government asks for more then he should be punished. But if the farmer was not able to sell and make income so he should not pay the tax. That is not a sin. 

    But these days, CHEATING from both sides. That is the case. So main solution is to change the hearts of people make them honest. And that can be done only if they accept that Krishna is the proprietor of everything and start to worship Him. 

    Your servant, 

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