Hare krishna my all dear devotees,dandavat to u all.all glories to srila prabhupada and guru parampara!!i am just confused regarding one matter.please u all mercifully help me to remove this confusion.the problem is about unwilling sleep at the daytime of ekadasi.i have heard that sleeping in daytime on the day of ekadasi is prohibited according to our scriptures.but if anybody cannot resist his or her sleeping owing to tiredness,will his ekadasi be broken or will he get any result of ekadasi due to that reason.please help me by giving your important decisions.radhe radhe!!!
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Ekadashi on account of sleeping is almost considered as broken..the fact remains that the fruits are reduced greatly on account of sleeping!You should chant more rounds especially on ekadashi days. If you feel that you are more prone to sleep it is better to walk and chant in your home or an open area during critical hours of sleep. Drink more water during ekadashi days , water is very good to keep away sleep