simple process of deity worship???

hare krsna and dandavat to all the dear devotee.. i hav been following KC since a year and i have tried to keep the pictures of shrila pravupad, acaryas, gaura nitai, phralad narshinga dev radha krsna as we usually see in temple.. huh i have not installed diety because i heard its like complicated process. my question is i am not so fabulously rich and my family however does not support really(from inner core of heart). so how can i do puja and arti?wat is the simplest and common and cheapest medium so that i can also try to do the best...i have not covered with the curtains and i have to keep in the one corner of my room(i hav no other option).. plz explian in simple and most detail way of what i should do and donts in making worship successful??

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