Silver Foil

Hare Krsna everyone :)



I have a question.

I received a box of kaju katli from my family. But it has varakh (silver foil) on top. I heard some varakh are made in veg way, without using animal's intestines. Does some know what kind of varakh does Brijwasi sweets (Mumbai) use?

If it is non-veg, what should I do with the box? It seems like throwing it away will be a waste of such a scarce, precious resource as food. And if I give it to someone, won't I be liable for the sin caused?

Hope you can help me.

Hare Krsna!

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  • Thank you mataji for your reply. So now since I won't eat it, should i just throw it away? I feel guilty to waste food.

    • Volunteer

      You can give it to some one like beggar. Best way is to take it to office and distribute it.

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