
  • Volunteer
    Hare Krishna dear Devotees, please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
    Thank You Ashwani Kumar Prabhu for explanation!
    oh, yes i knew about the wife voluntarily used to follow her husband entering into fire. But did not know the ritual title.
    But it is not suicide.
    When woman is chaste and husband was responsible for his duties they became one body with two souls. and when husband leaves his body wife also used to follow him to other world. In one place i read the saying of a chaste woman. she says that the fire of separation is more painful then this fire because of that they did not feel much pain.
    There are examples:
    Gandhari as a topmost chaste woman entered to the fire.
    Madri Mata followed King Pandu.
    In Srimad Bhagavatam also mentions in some place.
    It says that if husband dies first then woman had bad karma, but when she dies first then she had pious karma. as like it was with Valmiki Muni's wife. She left her body before then her husband.
    And Srila Prabhupada also mentions that only few years ago in India there was such like chaste woman and voluntarily entered into fire.
    But it says that coming 10 000 years there will be Satya Yuga, and also says that the third, forth generation of Devotees starting from Srila Prabhupada's Disciples, Devotees will be so elevated and devoted, highly qualified Brahmanas. It says that they also will be intelligent and will have some mystic powers because of their purity...
    So, chaste women like Sati and Gandhari, Draupadi also will take birth.
    Your servant,
  • Volunteer
    what is this Sati Pratha? Could You explain it nicely Prabhu! thank You!
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