
  • Jai Shri Krishna..


    As Shravan Prabhu is trying to point out, the "other gods" are various demigods who are empowered by Krishna with various energies of Krishna.  "they will indirectly payers or offering to me",  When we pray to the "other gods", we are actually praying to the different/various energies of Lord Shri Krishna.  All the praying to the "other gods", is a waste of time when you can pray directly to Krishna himself and all the "other gods" will be satisfied.


  • Volunteer

    Jai Srila Prabhupad

    When we surrender to Krishna He surely will protect us.

    Many demons know this, and they think that if they don't succeed in their attempts to win over Krishna, they can surely surrender to Krishna, (in the worst case) and Krishna will protect them just as He protects ALL living beings that take shelter of Him.

    • Volunteer

      Yes, even if you pray to demigods, you are indirectly praying to Krishna.

      However, if you pray to demigods, when you leave  the body, you will go to the planet of the demigod you pray to.

      So also, if you pray to Krishna only, then you will end up in Goloka, Lord Krishna's abode. Which is back to Godhead, our goal.

      Look at it this way. Lets say you are watering a plant. Instead of watering every leaf and branch, you just water the roots. That will automatically water every leaf and stem.

      Same way If Krishna is satisfied, All Demigods will be satisfied with you.

      Lot harder to satisfy all the demigods, to who we are thankful for, for the rains, wind, sunlight, etc. if you directly worship them.

      We must offer respects to the demigods because many of them are great devotees. Lord shiva is the most exalted Vaishnava always chanting Krishna's Names with all his 5 heads.

      • Hare krishna Shravan Prabhu, i know it but one Muslim or one Christan devotees are not accepts this because you says this he says you to our darga or something, so how to we conveyance him.
        • Volunteer
          You dont convince anyone. Just perform or become a part of Harinam/Sankirtan, upon listening to Krishna (Names of Krishna same as Krishna Himself) they will show themselves and you just lead them to your guru.
          • your profile picture is Chaitanya Mahaprabhu Harinam Sankirtan, so if mahaprabhu dont convince anyone then there no Kazi Uddar or Jagai-Madhai Uddar i don't know you are known Kazi or Jagai-Madhi. So Prabhu i don't satisfied your reply. Pls. give are a perfect answer. Hare Krishna.
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