
  • Pranaams! Thank you for your kind response. Actually, in this website itself while describing about Bhima ekadasi, it is stated that achamanam can be done provided we sip water equivalent to the size of mustard. Any excess water taken amounts to breaking of the Fast. I have decided to do atma achamanam to avoid any risk. Thanking You all once again,
  • Volunteer

    I was told by some of the senior devotees that taking aachaman and charanamrit is not considered breaking of the fast. if you have seen in temples also, pujaris do aachaman before they do arti and it is true even on Ekadasi.


    The reason behind this is, aachaman is required to be performed before we do the diety worship or any other spritual activity and is a process of purification of the body. since we chant the names of the lord before sipping the water, it is considered spritual. the charanamrit is the water that is washed the body of the lord. so both are spritual and can be taken in order to perform our duties.

  • Pranaams! Thank You for this suggestion. i shall do manasa achamanam.
  • Jai Shri Krishna,


    Any fast is overruled by Ekadashi.  Ekadashi is the most important fast ever.  Krishna said, of all the fast.. I am Ekadashi. You should consult your Guru, personally I would take manasa Aachamana.  Totally my feeling on this.


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