Rupa Goswami (A true saint of Humanity)

        All glories to His Highness" Rupa Goswami" 

                                                                            He unfolded the hidden truth of "Powers of "HARINAM". Actually his "BHAKTI RASAMRUTA SINDHU" shows it to the "HARINAM CHANTERS"which every Harinam chanter must know and take care to go by as far as possible & practicable.

                                                                             There are two things happens to be contradicting in "CHAITANYA CHARITAMRUTA" although they are really not.

                                        " Sadhya nei Manuser Ato paap kare

                                           Ekbar Harinam jato paap hare"


                                         "Koti janma kare jadi Naam sankirtan

                                          Tathapi na paye sei Krushna premdhan"

                                                                                 Actually these are not contradicting, reveals Rupa Goswami in his "BHAKTI RASAMRUTA SINDHU".

                                            "Anyavilasita sunyam gyana karmadi Anabrutam

                                              Anukulyena Krushnanusilam Bhaktir uttama"

                                           In other words "NIRAPARADH HARINAM KIRTAN"

                                                      All my respectful Obeisance to "Srila Rupa Goswami"

                                                                                                         (HARE KRISHNA)

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