
  • Jai Shri Krishna..


    Please elaborate on: Ritualistic Practice in ISKCON; 

                                   "brahmins" in the society;

                                   exploitation of the ignorant in the name of rituals.

    Please give a detailed explanation for your statements with proof.  These are very serious accusations.




    • hare krishna prabhu ji,

      I am sorry if I offended you.please don't get offended.

      In the indian society  the pandits prescribe a host of rituals for every occassion which usually involves lots of puja and donations to themselves. how to decide which rituals are to be followed and which are not and in which form.

      by "brahmins" I meant the people society calls brahmins because of the surname(last name)that they use.
      • Jai Shri Krishna..


        I'm not saying that one should dispose of rituals, but if you don't have faith in it then you should rather have faith in doing the Maha Mantra.  The Maha Mantra is the most powerful Mantra in the universe.  It's free so you will save lots of money too.


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