Require explanations of Lord Krishna's energies

My respected devotees, 

Hare Krishna to All! All glories to Prabhupada!

I am a neophyte devotee. I would like to ask some questions which would appear as very silly to you. 

We learn from the purport of  Srimad Bhagavatam 3.23.10 by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada that Lord Krishna has two energies which are material energy and spiritual energy.The spiritual energy is called yoga-maya. The living entities are marginal energy

SB 3.23.10

devahutir uvaca

raddham bata dvija-vrsaitad amogha-yoga- mayadhipe tvayi vibho tad avaimi bhartah
yas te ’bhyadhayi samayah sakrd anga-sango bhuyad gariyasi gunah prasavah satinam
Sri Devahuti said: My dear husband, O best of brahmanas, I know that you have achieved perfection and are the master of all the infallible mystic powers because you are under the protection of yoga-maya, the transcendental nature. But you once made a promise that our bodily union should now fulfill, since children are a great quality for a chaste woman who has a glorious husband.

We also learn from SB 3.10.17 that the energy of the Lord transforms from maha-maya to yoga-maya and appears to pure devotees in her real feature.

SB 3.10.17

vaikariko deva-sargah pañcamo yan-mayam manah

sasthas tu tamasah sargo yas tv abuddhi-krtah prabhoh
The fifth creation is that of the controlling deities by the interaction of the mode of goodness, of which the mind is the sum total. The sixth creation is the ignorant darkness of the living entity, by which the master acts as a fool.
Now my stupid questions are:
1. Is Krishna's material energy called 'Maha-Maya'? 
2. Does marginal energy of living beings come from spiritual energy or yoga-maya?
3. Is Ma Durga Mahamaya or Yoga-Maya?
Your input in this regard will be highly appreciated.
Please accept my pranam!

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  • Hare Krishna Dean Prabhu,

    I am so amazed to see your explanations of my inquiries. So, nice of you Prabhu. Now the meanings of the terms Maha-maya and Yoga-maya are very clear to me. I appreciate your posting of the beautiful picture of Ma Durga. Prabhu, I would like to know the reference of the verse you have posted about Durga mai.

    Thank you again for your valuable time and generous help. Your input was very helpful to understand the underlying fact behind Krishan's potencies.

    Hare Krishna,


  • Hare Krishna Prabhu,

    I hope I can answer your questions correctly by the grace of Srila Prabhupada.

    1. Yes, Krishna's material energy is called Maha Maya

    2. All living beings are jeevatma's emanating from Supreme Personality of Godhead; drop of water from the Ocean - analogy of Srila Prabhupad.  Qualitatively same but quantitatively different.  

    3. Durga Devi is entrusted to control the material world according to the wishes of the Supreme Lord; as stated in the Brahma Samhita.  


    Shauri Krishna Dasa

    • Hare Krishna Prabhu,

      I am very grateful to you for your generous time and compassion to help me  in my learning process. I like your clear explanations with references. I hope to get your continuous support and help. 

      Please accept my pranam,


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